Using Model Checkers in a Course on Operating Systems


Each year, thousands of Computer Science students are exposed to a course on operating systems. Typically, these students study concepts, structure and mechanisms of operating systems using one of the many good textbooks that are available (Tanenbaum, Stallings, Nutt, Silberschatz & Galvin,..). All these textbooks contain one or more chapters on principles of concurrency, which discuss fundamental concepts such as mutual exclusion algorithms, sempahores, monitors, message passing, deadlock and starvation. The concepts are introduced informally: the authors do not want to bother their readers with formal correctness proofs since this would distract attention from the key issues they want to get accross. Correctness proofs of of the algorithms is typically left as an exercise and there is no mentioning of formal methods or model checking.

We think that after 20 years of research on model checking this technology has become sufficiently mature and it is time to change the way in which we teach principles of concurrency:


Here are some examples of Uppaal models of mutual exclusion algorithms as discussed in Chapter 5 and Appendix A of William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 5th ed, Prentice-Hall, 2005 (models constructed with help of Bart Meulenbroek):


Build a Uppaal model for the "solution" to the mutual exclusion problem described in Problem 5.5 in Stallings' book. Use Uppaal to exhibit that this solution is flawed.


You can download the latest version of Uppaal from Uppaal has also been installed on the Windows machines within the Science Faculty, and can be started via

start->run-> type: "\\manus\xpcursus\ita\uppaal\uppaal.cmd"
When constructing your model, you may use the above examples as a source for inspiration. Check whether you model satisfies some natural criteria for a good model.