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D-Opdracht : UMTS Mobile Financial Services Security




Yan Yijun  Dr. J.-H. Hoepman


Within MOBEY (mobile financial services for banking), a preferred payment architecture (PPA) has been specified for providing financial services mobile telephone networks like GSM. These services are secured using a second smart card, owned and controlled by the banks. An important design goal is to allow multiple applications from different, competing, banks to securely coexist on this smart card. For the next generation mobile phone networks (UMTS), a new USIM (UMTS Secure Identity Module) has been specified that will perform the same roles as the original SIM in GSM networks. The USIM (as opposed to the GSM SIM) is a multi-application smart card.


Goal of this project is to study whether the USIM specifications can be used as a basis for specifying a Universal Financial Identity Module (UFIM) that will be used as the secure environment in the PPA.

The project consists of two parts.



Supervisory committee

ABN AMRO  Jan 2002 - June 2002 
  • Dr. J.-H. Hoepman
  • Dr. L. Franken (ABN AMRO)

Last Version -
(Note: changeover from CVS to dotless svn version numbers on Jan 19, 2008, and changeover to GIT versioning on May 30, 2013.)
Maintained by Jaap-Henk Hoepman
Email: jhh@cs.ru.nl