R.H.F. Hofman, B. Smelik, K. Jongeling (edd), Kelten van Spanje tot Ierland. Utrecht: St.Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 1996. 117 pp., 9 ill. ISBN 90 802785 3 x / 3 89323 075 0. EURO 13.50.


This collection contains the written versions of six papers on various aspects of Celtic culture originally delivered in 1993 during the Manifestatie Celtica Nederland in Amsterdam.

J.Th. Leerssen, 'Kelten, Keltologen en Keltenbeeld' addresses the use that was made of 'Celtic' culture from James McPherson in the 18th century up to cultgroups in the present day.

P. Schrijver, 'Keltisch in Spanje' is a highly innovative overview of everything known about Celtic tribes living in Spain in the beginning of the Christian era.

L. van Strien-Gerritsen, 'Procesrecht in het oude Ierland' analyses the known Old Irish sources about civil law in early medieval Ireland.

B. Jaski, 'Vrouwen in vroeg-middeleeuws Ierland: tussen keltische gebruiken en christelijke bepalingen' is an inventory of all known sources dealing with women in early medieval Ireland.

J.P. Gumbert, 'De Ierse Priscianus te Leiden' is a detailed study about the history and wanderings of a manuscript written in A.D. 838, containing the text of Priscian's Latin grammar elucidated with many glosses, part of them in Old Irish, presently kept in Leiden University Library (BPL 67).

T. van Marle, 'Sheela-na-gig: Keltische heks of christelijk embleem' analyses the various views held over the centuries about this remarkably explicit, possibly erotic sculpture of a female figure.
