Betuwse Energie Samenwerking (BES)

The Betuwe Energie Samenwerking (BES) aims at making a region self-sufficient in terms of sustainable energy supply and use. For this BES will develop an area management system for supply and demand of energy that operates on four levels: (1) at home level, (2) at district and street level, (3) at regional level, with connections to (4) national level. Technology and infrastructure (transformation, storage, management of energy, data, monitoring and asset management) are organised in BES to marketable services that unburden end users in both business and consumer markets. In this way BES provides the flexibility needed for the future, smarter, energy infrastructure, which allows demand and supply to be matched at regional level. The solution for regional renewable energy management pioneered in BES can then be used in other regions in the Netherlands or Europe.

People involved

Within the Digital Security group and within the Radboud University as a whole



This project is funded by the Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO Gelderland), Rijksoverheid & Provincie Gelderland - Operationeel Programma Oost-Nederland (GO Gebundelde Innovatiekracht)

Project duration

2016 - 2020