Charge & Go

The Charge & Go project develops solutions and services to support the roll-out and the operation of the (future) Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure, to facilitate and stimulate the use of Electric Vehicles in the region. Central to the project is a data- and communication platform from where services can be provided to find, offer, or use EV charging stations, both helping infrastructure providers in planning and operating the technical infrastructure in an optimal way, and helping EV drivers in choosing and finding places to charge. The products and services that are developed will be are tested on the IPKW site, more especially within the Clean Mobilities Center, as a safe controlled environment (outside the public road) and validated in Lochem in practice.

People involved

Within the Digital Security group and within the Radboud University as a whole



This project is funded by the Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO Gelderland), Rijksoverheid & Provincie Gelderland - Operationeel Programma Oost-Nederland (GO Gebundelde Innovatiekracht)

Project duration

2016 - 2020