Software Security - Fuzzing Project

Fuzzing group project

Goal of this project is to become familiar with fuzzing in combination with code instrumentation as way to do security testing. Trying out different fuzzers, with and without code instrumentation, should also provide some comparison of the pros and cons and effectiveness of various approaches.

Step 1: Choose a target

For the assignment can target any software you want as the System-Under-Test (SUT). Only constraint is that it should be C(++) and that it is open source. You can choose some old outdated software, where it should be easier to find bugs, or some newer up-to-date software, where finding bugs may be harder but also more interesting. To keep things simple, choose some software that can take a single file as input on the command line.

To make things rewarding, choose some software that takes a complex input format as input: the more complex the input format, the more likely that there are bugs in input handling and the more likely that fuzzing will detect them. One obvious choice here is software that handles graphical data.

If you are stuck for inspiration of what to fuzz, you could take ImageMagick, for which you then still have choose one of the over 100 (!) input formats that it supports, or some other image manipulation software, such as LibGD or G'mic.

Choose an open source application as that make life easier you use afl, as for closed source that you cannot compile yourself you'll have to use afl in QEMU mode. Note that the other fuzzing tools are black box so these could target any executable.

Step 2: Get fuzzing

Try the fuzzers below, initially without but then with the instrumentation tools, to fuzz your chosen application.

Each group should at least try out afl, as the leading tool around, and one of the dumber fuzzers, Radamsa or zzuf - ideally both, and try to get ASan (or valgrind) in combination with these tools. You are more than welcome to try out other fuzzers that you happen to know and are curious about.

This project assignment is fairly open-ended. Make sure you all spend at least one full afternoon per week on it for the next 2 months. We will discuss progress and experiences in class, so that we can still shift or focus efforts depending on the results so far, or maybe cut things short if spending time does not seem that interesting. Final reports with a summary of your experiments and reflection on the tools will be due at the end of November/early December, so that we can still discuss this at one of the last lectures in December.

NB Document your experiments carefully When you run your experiments, document the set-up and input files precisely. Ideally you should be able to re-run experiment and reproduce the exact same results.

NB Warning Do not open input files created by the fuzzers with any 'production' software on a system that you care about. For instance, if you are fuzzing image files then opening the fuzzed image files on your mobile phone or with the app that you use to manage all your holiday photos could have disastrous effects.


More information and pointers about these fuzzers on tools page. In Brightspace there are discussion forums to exchange good and bad experiences on installing and using the tools. You can also have a look at this very gentle introduction to zuff, ASan and afl.

Instrumentation tools

Below some instrumentation tools to try out. These should help to spot more errors when fuzzing. At least try out ASan, which will probably give you the best improvements for the effort and overhead. If you have trouble with ASan, you could use valgrind's Memcheck as a fallback.

Valgrind vs ASan/MSan

Valgrind is much slower than ASan and MSan, and has a much larger memory overhead. ASan does set up an insane amount of virtual memory (20 TB), but does not use all of it.

ASan can spot some flaws that valgrind's Memcheck cannot. Conversely, Memcheck can spot some flaws that ASan can't. For instance, ASan does not try to spot access to uninitialised memory, which Memcheck, like MSan, does. So using ASan together with MSan comes closer to what Memcheck does.

Memcheck can detect more problems than MSan. For instance, Memcheck tries to detect memory leaks, which MSan does not. ASan has some support to detect memory leaks, with LeakSanitizer, which is not enabled by default on all systems. For this project detecting memory leaks is probably not interesting: memory leaks typically occur when an application runs for a longer time, not when it is used one-off to process a single input file.

afl-cmin and afl-tmin

afl comes with two helper programs that may be interesting to play with: