
Pairs, Februari 3, 2004

S A 9 x x
H A 10 x
D H x x
C 10 x x
S J x
H x x x x
D V 10 8
C x x x x
[W - E] S Q 10 x x x
H x
D A J 9 x
C A Q x
Lead: S J S K 8
H K Q J x x
D x x x
C K J x

2 S*
4 H
1 S
All pass
2 H
3 C*

Two spades showed a maximum passed hand with trump support and three clubs showed a non-minimal hand with values in clubs.

And again a contract was reached that was rather high. Somehow the clubs and diamonds have to be played for 1 loser. I was able to make my contract, but only because of a defensive error. See if you can find the mistake.

After I won the spade lead with the king, I played two rounds of trumps, ending in dummy. A successful finesse in clubs made the contract look a little better. I crossed back to dummy with a heart, to play a club towards my king. However, my right opponent jumped up with the club ace and returned a club. Now what? As east had opened the bidding, it seemed that the diamond ace was wrongly placed for me to make the game fulfilling trick in diamonds. Therefore, I continued by cashing two more round of trumps reaching the following ending:

S A 9 x
H -
D H x
C -
S x
H -
D V 10 8
C x
[W - E] S Q 10 x
H -
D A 9
C -
S 8
H x
D x x x
C -

On the last trump north can spare a spade, but east is squeezed. In practice, east discarded a spade and was then thrown in with a spade to lead upto the diamond king. Just an elementary squeeze, but because of the spade 8 and 9 it is also possible to run the spade 8 in the above diagram.

Of course, the game was made because of a defensive error! After east won the club ace, he should have returned a high spade to cut the communications between dummy and declarer in the spade suit. Now there is no longer any throwin possible.