Missed Squeeze Opportunity

Club competition
April 17, 2001

3 NT by South

S K J 6 2
H J 6
D J 10 9 7 3
S Q 10 7 4
H K 7 3
D A K 8 4
C K 5
[W - E] S 8 5
H 9 8 5 4
D 5 2
C 9 7 6 4 3
Lead: D A S A 9 3
H A Q 10 2
D Q 6
C A 10 8 2

Made 4 —— NS +430 ——

I opened as south 1NT and finally became declarer in 3NT. West led the diamond ace and shifted to a small heart. The heart jack in dummy held the trick and I continued with the club queen. West took the king and returned a club. A diamond to my queen held the trick.

I guess I should have unblocked the diamond queen, because now the diamonds were blocked. Now I needed a second entry to dummy to make the diamonds high. I played a spade to the jack and continued diamonds. Because the spade queen was onside I easily made 10 tricks.

So what is the problem? Well,... I should have made 11 tricks! After the jack of spades held, I should have continued a spade to my ace and continued clubs. This would then be the ending:

S K 6
H 6
D J 10
C -
S Q 10
H K 7
C -
[W - E]
S 3
H A Q 10
D -

On the club ace west would be squeezed in 3 suits! A spade or diamond discard allows me to cross to the table and squeeze west again with the new winner, and if west shortens himself in hearts, I have two extra winners in the heart suit.

Although I couldn't foresee this ending, I should have played it this way. If the spades were 3-3, I would have a red suit squeeze against west for 11 tricks. And if the spades were 2-4 (with the fourcard in east), I could always throw west in with a diamond for a return in my heart tenace for 10 tricks.