A Nice Strip-Squeeze

"Districtsviertallen" competition
October 31, 2001

3 NT by South

S J 7 6
H K 10 9 4
D A Q 9 2
C 9 3
S 10 5 4 2
H A J 7 6
D 3
C A K J 2
[W - E] S Q 9 3
H 8 5 2
D 10 7 5 4
C 7 6 4
Lead: C A S A K 8
H Q 3
D K J 8 6
C Q 10 8 5

Made 3 —— NS +400 ——

I opened as south 1NT and finally became declarer in 3NT while West had shown at least 4-4 in clubs and some other suit. West started the club ace and shifted to a spade. How would you play?

I tried the jack in the dummy but east covered it with the queen. I had to take it with the king, because I could not stand a club switch. I crossed to the diamond queen and played a heart to my queen. Not minding it when west took it with the ace. A small spade went to the nine and king. Again I could not let east gain the lead.

However, I was now in control. I played a heart to the nine and played two more rounds of diamonds, which resulted in the diagram below.

S 6
H K 10
C 9
S 10 5
H J 7
D -
[W - E] S 3
H 8
D 10
C 7 6
Lead: C A S 8
H -
D 6
C Q 10 8

On the diamond ace west had to part with a winning spade and was then thrown in with a club to give me my contract by a heart return into my K10 tenace.

Note that the contract becomes much harder and a interesting double dummy problem if west ducks the ace of hearts!