

My research background is in the area of theory, design, implementation and application of functional and object oriented programming languages. Particularly, I am interested in typing systems, statical analyses, program transformations and program correctness.  My current research focusses theorem proving, model checking and their combination.

Leonard Lensink

Is currently doing research on theorem proving with PVS, in particular on applying PVS to industrial software, and on generating software from PVS specifications. Leonard is expected to finish his PhD end of 2013

Ken Madlener

Started in September 2008. Main focus: modular operational sematics and formal verification (in Coq). Has recently finished his manuscript, and it is expected that Ken will get his PhD in the beginning of 2014.


Click here for an overview of my publications.

PhD and Postdocs

Current Supervision

Former PhD students

Arjen van Weelden

Thesis: Putting Types to Good Use. October 2007

Artem Alimarine

Thesis: Generic Functional Programming - Conceptual Design, Implementation and Applications. September 2005