Prof.dr. Tom Heskes Data Science, Institute for Computing and Information Sciences Radboud University Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 212, 6525 EC Nijmegen The Netherlands Tel: 31-24-3652696 Career 1989-1993: PhD, Radboud University Nijmegen 1993-1994: Postdoc, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, USA 1994-2004: Senior researcher, SNN and director of spin-off company SMART Research BV 2004-2008: Assistant/associate Professor Radboud University Nijmegen, Computer Science 2008- : Full Professor Radboud University Nijmegen, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science 2009-2014: Research Director of the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences 2016-2020: Education Director for Computing Science and Information Sciences 2016 : Initiator of the Radboud Data Science Centre 2017 : Co-founder of the spin-off Machine2Learn 2018 : Co-initiator of Radboud AI 2023- : Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science Research interests - Machine learning (causal discovery and inference, uncertainty quantification, deep learning, explainability, ...); - Applications to other sciences (e.g., biology, healthcare, physics, astronomy) and industry Grants - NWA OBSerVeD, 2022 - ISPT The Heat is On, 2021 - eScience ASDI, 2021 - NWA CORTEX, 2019 - NWA PrimaVera, 2019 - Data2Person, Commit2Data, 2018 - DrComics, TTW, NWO, 2017 - TOP, ZonMW, 2016 - TOP, NWO, 2014 - MATRICS, EU FP7, 2013 - OPTIMISTIC, EU FP7, 2012 - TACTICS, EU FP7, 2011 - SYNCOBE, NWO Complexity, 2010 - Learning2Reason, NWO Open, 2010 - GeNeUSS, NWO Computational Life Sciences, 2007 - Braingain, SmartMix, 2007 - VICI, NWO, 2006 - Personalization of hearing aids, STW, 2006 - Bayesian brain-computer interfacing, STW, 2005 - AI4IA; Marie Curie Research Training Network, 2004 - Sales forecasting through aggregation, STW, 2000 - Graphical models for data mining, STW, 2000 Professional activities - Editor-in-Chief of Neurocomputing between 2003 and 2015 - Associate Editor BMC Systems Biology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, and International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems - Organizer of BNAIC 2003, PRIB 2010, and BENELEARN 2013 - PC chair of UAI 2015 - PC member of more than 100 conferences and workshops - Member of various international evaluation and PhD committees - Over 50 invited presentations at international conferences and institutes