We consider the system kop12thesis_ex2.11. Alphabet: cons : [nat * list] --> list emap : [nat -> nat * list] --> list nil : [] --> list twice : [nat -> nat] --> nat -> nat Rules: emap(f, nil) => nil emap(f, cons(x, y)) => cons(f x, emap(/\z.twice(f) z, y)) twice(f) x => f (f x) This AFS is converted to an AFSM simply by replacing all free variables by meta-variables (with arity 0). We use the dependency pair framework as described in [Kop12, Ch. 6/7], with static dependency pairs (see [KusIsoSakBla09] and the adaptation for AFSMs and accessible arguments in [FuhKop19]). We thus obtain the following dependency pair problem (P_0, R_0, computable, formative): Dependency Pairs P_0: 0] emap#(F, cons(X, Y)) =#> emap#(/\x.twice(F, x), Y) 1] emap#(F, cons(X, Y)) =#> twice#(F, Z) Rules R_0: emap(F, nil) => nil emap(F, cons(X, Y)) => cons(F X, emap(/\x.twice(F, x), Y)) twice(F, X) => F (F X) Thus, the original system is terminating if (P_0, R_0, computable, formative) is finite. We consider the dependency pair problem (P_0, R_0, computable, formative). We place the elements of P in a dependency graph approximation G (see e.g. [Kop12, Thm. 7.27, 7.29], as follows: * 0 : 0, 1 * 1 : This graph has the following strongly connected components: P_1: emap#(F, cons(X, Y)) =#> emap#(/\x.twice(F, x), Y) By [Kop12, Thm. 7.31], we may replace any dependency pair problem (P_0, R_0, m, f) by (P_1, R_0, m, f). Thus, the original system is terminating if (P_1, R_0, computable, formative) is finite. We consider the dependency pair problem (P_1, R_0, computable, formative). We apply the subterm criterion with the following projection function: nu(emap#) = 2 Thus, we can orient the dependency pairs as follows: nu(emap#(F, cons(X, Y))) = cons(X, Y) |> Y = nu(emap#(/\x.twice(F, x), Y)) By [FuhKop19, Thm. 61], we may replace a dependency pair problem (P_1, R_0, computable, f) by ({}, R_0, computable, f). By the empty set processor [Kop12, Thm. 7.15] this problem may be immediately removed. As all dependency pair problems were succesfully simplified with sound (and complete) processors until nothing remained, we conclude termination. +++ Citations +++ [FuhKop19] C. Fuhs, and C. Kop. A static higher-order dependency pair framework. In Proceedings of ESOP 2019, 2019. [Kop12] C. Kop. Higher Order Termination. PhD Thesis, 2012. [KusIsoSakBla09] K. Kusakari, Y. Isogai, M. Sakai, and F. Blanqui. Static Dependency Pair Method Based On Strong Computability for Higher-Order Rewrite Systems. In volume 92(10) of IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. 2007--2015, 2009.