Students of Frits Vaandrager

Current PhD Students

  1. Luko van der Maas (co-promotor Sebastian Junges)
  2. Jonan Richards (co-promotor Mairieli Wessel)
  3. Linus Heck (co-promotor Sebastian Junges)
  4. Maris Galesloot (first promotor Nils Jansen)
  5. Merlijn Krale (first promotor Nils Jansen)
  6. Eline Bovy (first promotor Nils Jansen)
  7. Loes Kruger (co-promotores Jurriaan Rot and Sebastian Junges)
  8. Jiangnan Huang (co-promotor Bin Lin)
  9. Lars van Arragon (co-promotor Jan Tretmans)
  10. Gijs van Cuyck (co-promotor Jan Tretmans)
  11. Marck van der Vegt (co-promotor Sebastian Junges)
  12. Patrick Lodeweegs (first promotor Erik Poll)
  13. Cristian Daniele (first promotor Erik Poll)
  14. Seyed Behnam Andarzian (first promotor Erik Poll)
  15. Christoph Schmidl (first promotor Nils Jansen)
  16. Marnix Suilen (first promotor Nils Jansen)
  17. Bharat Garhewal

Past PhD Students

(See also my entry in the Mathematics Genealogy Project.)
  1. Dennis Hendriks (co-promotor Jan Tretmans)
    Model Inference and Comparison for Software Evolution in Large Component-Based Systems
    Radboud University, August 28, 2024.
  2. Dennis Gross (second promotor Nils Jansen, co-promotor Guillermo Perez )
    Towards trustworthy AI: Formal Verification in Machine Learning
    Radboud University Nijmegen, April 4, 2024.
  3. Ramon Janssen
    Refinement and Partiality for Model-Based Testing
    Radboud University Nijmegen, December 12, 2022.
  4. Petra van den Bos
    Coverage and Games in Model-Based Testing
    Radboud University Nijmegen, October 8, 2020.
  5. Alexis Linard
    Learning Models for Cyber-Physical Systems
    Radboud University Nijmegen, December 19, 2019.
  6. Joshua Moerman
    Nominal Techniques and Black Box Testing for Automata Learning
    Second promotor: Alexandra Silva; co-promotor: Bas Terwijn
    Radboud University Nijmegen, July 1, 2019.
  7. Paul Fiterau-Brostean
    Active Model Learning for the Analysis of Network Protocols
    Radboud University Nijmegen, April 13, 2018.
  8. Rick Smetsers
    Advances in Model Learning for Software Systems
    Co-promotor: Sicco Verwer
    Radboud University Nijmegen, March 29, 2018.
  9. Fides Aarts
    Tomte : bridging the gap between active learning and real-world systems
    Radboud University Nijmegen, October 27, 2014.
  10. Freek Verbeek
    Formal Verification of On-Chip Communication Fabrics
    Second promotor: Marko van Eekelen; co-promotor: Julien Schmaltz
    Radboud University Nijmegen, March 26, 2013.
  11. Georgeta Igna
    Performance Analysis of Real-Time Printing Systems using Timed Automata
    Radboud University Nijmegen, January 22, 2013.
  12. Faranek Heidarian Dehkordi
    Studies on Verification of Wireless Sensor Networks and Abstraction Learning for System Inference
    Radboud University Nijmegen, July 5, 2012.
  13. Jasper Berendsen
    Abstraction, Prices and Probability in Model Checking Timed Automata
    Radboud University Nijmegen, November 3, 2010.
  14. Marcel Verhoef
    Modeling and Validating Distributed Embedded Real-Time Control Systems
    (co-promotor: Jozef Hooman) Radboud University Nijmegen, January 21, 2009.
  15. Adriaan de Groot
    Practical Automaton Proofs in PVS
    (co-promotor: Jozef Hooman)
    Radboud University Nijmegen, March 6, 2008.
  16. Biniam Gebremichael
    Expressiveness of Timed Automata Models
    Radboud University Nijmegen, December 11, 2006.
  17. Ling Cheung
    Reconciling Nondeterministic and Probabilistic Choices
    Radboud University Nijmegen, September 18, 2006 (cum laude)
  18. Martijn Hendriks
    Model Checking Timed Automata: Techniques and Applications
    Radboud University Nijmegen, April 4, 2006
  19. Goran Frehse
    Compositional Verification of Hybrid Systems using Simulation Relations
    Radboud University Nijmegen, October 2005
    Second promotor: Sebastian Engell, University of Dortmund
  20. Mariëlle Stoelinga
    Alea jacta est: Verification of Probabilistic, Real-Time and Parametric Systems
    University of Nijmegen, April 22, 2002
  21. Ansgar Fehnker
    Citius, Vilius, Melius: Guiding and Cost-Optimality in Model Checking of Timed and Hybrid Systems
    University of Nijmegen, April 15, 2002 (cum laude)
  22. David Griffioen
    Studies in Computer Aided Verification of Protocols
    University of Nijmegen, May 2000
  23. Judi Romijn
    Analysing Industrial Protocols with Formal Methods
    University of Twente, October 1999
    First promotor: Ed Brinksma, University of Twente
  24. Maurice klein Gebbinck
    Decomposition of mixed pixels in remote sensing images to improve the area estimation of agricultural fields
    University of Nijmegen, November 1998
    Co-promotor: Theo Schouten
  25. Frans Panken
    Design and performance evaluation of multiple-access protocols for ATM-based passive optical networks
    University of Nijmegen, November 1997
    Co-promotor: Chris Blondia, University of Antwerp

Past Master Thesis Students

  1. Loes Kruger
    How to handle long counterexamples - heuristics, optimizations and asymptotic lower bounds for L#
  2. Tim Turksema
  3. Erwin Janssen
  4. Timo Maarsse
  5. Bram Petersen
  6. Gijs van der Meijde
    Refactoring: A practical application of model learning and code generation
    From February 2018 - August 2018.
  7. Gerco van Heerdt
    An abstract automata learning framework
    From October 2015 - June 2016.
  8. Judith van Stegeren
    Correctness and termination of Tomte components for active register automata learning
    From March - December 2015.
  9. Ramon Janssen
    Learning and Model Checking Real-World TCP Implementations
    From September 2014 - August 2015.
  10. Petra van den Bos
    Enhancing Active Automata Learning by a User Log Based Metric
    From September 2014 - July 2015.
  11. Ferry de Bruin Het ontwikkelen van gebruiksvriendelijke Apps voor smartphones
    From May 2011 - January 2013.
  12. Wouter Smeenk
    Applying Automata Learning to Complex Industrial Software
    From February 2012 - September 2012.
  13. Fred Houben
    Design Space Exploration with Generated Timed Automata
    From September 2009 - August 2010.
  14. Frank Kusters
    Massive Parallel Computing as a Service
    From February 2008 - December 2009.
  15. Fides Aarts
    Inference and Abstraction of Communication Protocols
    University of Uppsala, Sweden, from February 2009 - November 2009.
  16. Johan Uijen
    Learning Models of Communication Protocols using Abstraction Techniques
    University of Uppsala, Sweden, from February 2009 - November 2009.
  17. Martijn Moraal
    Optimal Deployment of Distributed Systems
    University of Connecticut, USA, November 24, 2008 - November 2009. (supervisor at UConn: Laurent Michel) (winner of the AIA Master Award 2011)
  18. Erik van Beijnen (supervision together with Jan Tretmans)
    Performance evaluation of webservers, from September 2005 - September 2009.
  19. Tom van den Broek
    Towards the Cross-layer Verification of Networks-on-Chips, from September 2008 - July 2009 (daily supervisor: Julien Schmaltz)
  20. Jantien Sessink
    Formal analysis of the Jackrabbit architecture, September 2008
  21. Sander Vermolen (supervision together with Jozef Hooman and Peter Larsen)
    Automatically Discharging VDM Proof Obligations Using HOL, August 2007
  22. Hugo Brakman (supervision together with Erik Poll and Wojciech Mostowski)
    Java card software analysis using model checking, June 2007
  23. Matthijs Mekking (supervision together with Theo Schouten)
    Formalization and Verification of the SHIM6 Protocol, May 2007
  24. Stefan Roels (supervision together with Jozef Hooman)
    Applicability of model checking methods to scheduling in machines, October 2002
  25. Michiel Alsters
    Controlling the Stabilization of a Laser System --- A Hybrid Model of a Laser System and Its Components, December 2001
  26. Martin Bruggink
    SMP OSP: A Multiprocessor Operating System Simulator, October 2001
  27. Peter Ebben
    On integrity of telecommunications networks when controlled via the Parlay API, October 2001
  28. Jos Vissers
    A Design for Generic Monitoring Facilities for the Distributed Software Component Framework, University of Nijmegen, August 2000
  29. Stan Ivanov
    Verification of a Biphase Mark Protocol, University of Nijmegen, August 1998
  30. Jeroen Alink
    Adding Parameters to a Finite State Machine Language for Automatic Test Generation, University of Nijmegen, July 1998
  31. Manuel van den Berg en René ter Horst
    Smartcard Testtools - Taste, University of Nijmegen, October 1997
    Een nieuwe versie van het door Manuel en René ontwikkelde tool wordt momenteel onder de naam Conclusion op de markt gebracht door het bedrijf Collis
  32. Martijn Kaart
    Modelling of a System for Traffic Regulation at Signalized Intersections using High-level Petri Nets, University of Amsterdam, November 1995
  33. Kiavash Shams
    A Verification of Two Simple Wait-Free Registers, University of Amsterdam, August 1994
  34. David Griffioen
    Analysis of an Audio Control Protocol with Bus Collision University of Amsterdam, 1995
  35. Indra Polak
    Specification and Verification of a Real-Time Communication Protocol, University of Amsterdam, September 1993
  36. Richard Groenveld
    Verification of a Sliding Window Protocol by means of Process Algebra, University of Amsterdam, September 1987