Notation: I use * =>_tau to denote PCF evaluation. * <==> to denote "if and only if" (1) In the lecture, we discussed "stability": a function f is stable if f(x /\ y) = f(x) /\ f(y) for all x, y, where /\ denotes the "greatest lower bound" (glb): (i) x/\y <= x and x/\y <= y (ii) if z' <= x and z' <= y, then z' <= x/\y We assume that we are in a domain where each pair of elements has a glb. (a) Show that x <= y <===> x = x /\ y (b) Show that, if f is stable, then it is monotone. (2) (Exercise 8.4.1) Suppose that a monotonic function p : (B_bot x B_botāŠ„) -> B_bot satisfies p(true, bot) = true, p(bot, true) = true, and p(false, false) = false. Show that p coincides with the parallel-or function on Slide 45 in the sense that p(d1 , d2 ) = por (d1 )(d2 ), for all d1 , d2 in B_bot. (3) (Exercise 8.4.2) Show that even though there are two evaluation rules on Slide 50 with conclusion por(M1,M2 ) =>_bool true, nevertheless the evaluation relation for PCF+por is still deterministic (in the sense of Proposition 5.4.1). (4) (Exercise 8.4.3) Give the axioms and rules for an inductively defined transition relation for PCF+por. This should take the form of a binary relation M -> M' between closed PCF+por terms. It should satisfy M => V <===> M ->* V (where ->* is the reflexive-transitive closure of ->).