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Privacy Seminar: Student Lecture

Requirements Grading


In a seminar, students prepare lectures for other students. This means that you have to prepare and present a 2 hour lecture on a topic of your choice. The lecture has to be based on several (at least two) predetermined scientific papers. You can either choose these papers from one of the topics, or propose your own (but the choice has to be approved by the teachers).

You give the lecture with the same of students you will write the paper with.

You are free to choose the format of your lecture. You can use overhead, blackboard or beamer. When using sheets or slides, make sure that you do not fit too much information on one slide, and that you use no more than 50 slides in total. Make sure there is room for discussion, and questions.

The goal of the lecture is to inform the other students on the topic you choose, to let them understand the main ideas as well as the technical details of that topic, and to provide a broader context in which these ideas developed.

Prepare your lecture well in advance. Search for some additional material relevant to the topic (i.e. don't base it on a single paper). Try to make your lecture interactive. Prepare questions and/or discussion topics for class. Use these throughout the lecture, don't save them all until the end.

Pay equal attention to present the problem, putting it into a societal and legal context, and presenting the (technical) solution. Preferably, split your presentation in two halves. The opponents will intervene after each halve with a 5-10 minute discussion slot. This means you have 35-40 minutes to present each. (For groups of three: we will discuss offline how to organise this.)

You must discuss lectures with the teachers at least one week before you are scheduled to give them to class. We have a fixed time slot for that: from 13:00 to 13:30 each Thursday (i.e. after the lecture), in room 19.12 in the Erasmus building (Jaap-Henk's office). We have a fixed time slot for that: from 9:30 to 10:00 each Thursday (i.e. before the lecture), in the Big Blue Button room we use for the lecture too. Send us an email, containing a draft of the lecture at least one day before (ie wednesday 12 at noon at the latest). These are mandatory requirements.

Unless all students participating in the seminar are Dutch, prepare your lectures in English. Otherwise, you can choose between Dutch and English.


Scoring is somewhate similar to the method used for scoring Bachelor and Master presentations.

The content of the lecture is scored according to the following criteria:

Argumentation and Depth
Whether your lecture provides a solid basis and backing of all statements and claims made, and whether it covers all important topics in sufficient detail.
Whether the message comes across, whether your lecture connects to what your audience expects and understands, how well you explain certain topics.
Whether your lecture covers all important aspects, and clearly separates important issues from secondary details. Equal attention should be paid to technical and legal/societal issues.

The form of the lecture is scored according to the following criteria:

Logical ordering of your lecture, the relationship between the topics.
Whether your lecture captivates the audience, your use of supporting materials (e.g. powerpoint).

The performance of the lecture is scored according to the following criteria:

Level of engagement and contact with the audience, your presence in front of the class, the liveliness and tone of your lecture.
Level of interactivity, the way you respond to questions.
Pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar.

On each of the criteria you can score. unsatisfactory (u), satisfactory (s), good (g), or very good (vg). If you score satisfactory on all criteria, this corresponds to a 7 as the final grade. Similarly, unsatisfactory corresponds to 4, good to 8,5 and very good to 10.

You will be graded right after the presentation. We will discuss the scores with you right after the presentation (i.e. from 12:15-12:30).

Last Version - e1e3326.
(Note: changeover from CVS to dotless svn version numbers on Jan 19, 2008, and changeover to GIT versioning on May 30, 2013.)
Maintained by Jaap-Henk Hoepman
Email: jhh@cs.ru.nl