How to access Coverity Connect

The server is running at

Your username is the same as your C&CZ login name; your password has been mailed to you (or you can try resetting it).

Coverity Connect does not perform any analysis by itself; its purpose is only to allow you to manage defect reports and allow you to triage them.

Note that you have a lot of access rights on this server. Feel free to play around, but behave responsibly.

How to run Coverity Analysis

Coverity is a proprietary software project, so we only have a restricted number of licenses. Therefore, we have installed it for you on the faculty login server If you want to run Coverity Analysis on your own machine, please read the instructions at the end.

There are two ways to run a Coverity Analysis; either from the command line or by using the graphical cov-wizard tool. We recommend using the command line, so you know what is going on.

This document is based on this cheatsheet from the Synopsis website.

Step 0: Add Coverity Analysis to your path

At your bash prompt, type:

export PATH=$PATH:/vol/ds/coverity/cov-analysis-linux64-2019.03/bin

Step 1: Configuring a compiler

We have already configured Coverity for you, so you don't need to do anything.

But if you want, you can also create a custom configuration. E.g.

 cov-configure --config myConfig.xml --compiler /usr/bin/gcc --comptype gcc

This will tell coverity that /usr/bin/cc is GCC. You will then need to pass the --config myConfix.xml argument to all subsequent commands, however.

Step 2: Capturing a build

You now will have to show Coverity what happens when you build your project. This is called capturing. You do this by simply passing whatever command you use to build a project to cov-build, and telling it where to store its intermediate files.

E.g., if you normally compile using gcc foo.c, you now use:

cov-build --dir MY_EMIT_DIR gcc foo.c

In case of a serious project that uses makefiles, make sure that your build directory is clean before capturing:

make clean
cov-build --dir MY_EMIT_DIR make all

If your want to capture a project needs some preparation before building (e.g. ./configure or cmake), you do that before capturing.

(Of course, you can replace MY_EMIT_DIR with whatever you want.)

Step 3: Analyze

Now, you are ready to run the analysis:

cov-analyze --dir MY_EMIT_DIR

Note that cov-analyze supports many command line arguments, which lets you control how thoroughly the code gets analyzed. For instance, to get more errors, you could run:

cov-analyze --dir MY_EMIT_DIR --all --aggressiveness-level high

You can at this moment also inspect the results in a rudimentary fashion by using cov-format-errors:

cov-format-errors --dir MY_EMIT_DIR --html-output HTML_OUTPUT_DIR

And then look at the HTML_OUTPUT_DIR/index.html file generated. However, to perform defect management, you need to use Coverity Connect.

Step 4: Administration

Before you can commit your defects to Coverity Connect, you will have to create a stream and associate this with a project. In a business setting an administator will have done this and tell you what stream to commit to.

First, you will have to create a stream to which you will commit your report. You can do this with the command:

cov-manage-im --host --mode streams
  --add --set name:YOUR_STREAM_NAME

This will ask you for your Coverity Connect password.

Then, create a project and associate your stream with it:

cov-manage-im --host --mode projects
  --add --set name:YOUR_PROJECT_NAME --insert stream:YOUR_STREAM_NAME

Note that this will create a stream using the default triage store, which is shared by everybody. This means you can influence what your colleagues are doing (and vice versa). If you don't want that, you can create a seperate triage store:

cov-manage-im --host --mode triage
  --add --set name:YOUR_TRIAGE_NAME

And then specify (during creation) that your stream should use this store:

cov-manage-im --host --mode streams
  --add --set name:YOUR_STREAM_NAME --set triage:YOUR_TRIAGE_NAME

(Obviously, substitute something original for YOUR_XXX_NAME here.)

Step 5: Committing your report

You can now upload your results to the Coverity Connect server.

cov-commit-defects --host --stream YOUR_STREAM_NAME --dir MY_EMIT_DIR

Which will again ask for your Coverity Connect password.

You can now log in to Coverity Connect using your browser and triage the results.

Step 6: (Optional) Generating an authentication key

If you don't want to type your password, you might be tempted to add is using the --password option to cov-commit-defects. However, lilo5 is a public server, so this is not the best idea. An alternative is to generate an authentication key. You can do this with the command:

cov-manage-im --host --mode auth-key --create --output-file MY_KEY

And then you can run cov-commit-defects with the added switch --auth-key-file MY_KEY.

Running Coverity on your system

If you want to run Coverity Analysis on your own machine, this is possible. There are some requirements for this:

  1. You have to have a working compiler installed.

  2. We have to provide you with a license key, which will bind Coverity Analysis to run on a single machine.

If you want to obtain a key, email me (Marc Schoolderman), and tell me what operating system and machine you want to run Coverity Analysis on.