Jan Schoone

"Sinds we god, religie en zingeving hebben afgeschaft, staan we als kwetsbare mechaniekjes in de wereld. We zijn gereduceerd tot onze biologie. We offeren het volle leven op om het vege lijf te redden, omdat het vege lijf het enige is dat ons nog kenmerkt."
              - Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, [nrc: April 14, 2020]

Theorem: There are only finitely many useful numbers.

As of October 2018 I am working as a PhD-student in the Digital Security group at the iCIS institute of the Radboud University. The research is part of the ESCADA project, conducted under the supervision of prof. dr. Joan Daemen and dr. Wieb Bosma.
I am researching algebraic attacks on cryptosystems and investigating properties of maps with cryptographic importance.

In the past, my research interests have been finite rings, polynomial mappings and Mathieu-Zhao spaces. On these subjects I have written my Bachelor's and Master's thesis at Radboud University under supervision of dr. Arno van den Essen.