Jan Schoone's Teaching

As Lecturer (2021-2022):

Fall 2021: Calculus, for premaster and HBO-minor students
Spring 2022: Calculus and Probability Theory, for first year Computing Science students

As Teaching Assistant (2018-2022):

Spring 2019/2020/2021 and Fall 2021: Introduction to Cryptography, for second year Computing Science students

As Student Assistant (2009-2018):

Commutative Algebra, for Mathematics master students
Famous Problems in Mathematics, for first year Mathematics students
Group Theory 2, for first year Mathematics students
Introduction to Graph Theory, for first year Mathematics students
Mathematics 2 for Artificial Intelligence, for second year Artificial Intelligence students
New Number Systems, for second year students of the Faculty of Science (excluding Mathematics students)
Rings and Fields, for second year Mathematics students
Forensic Statistics, for high school students
Fractals, for high school students
Knot Theory, for high school students
Quaternions, for high school students and teachers
Set Theory, for high school students
LaTeX: crash course, for second year Mathematics students