Institute for Computing and Information Sciences
Backup Procedure

The Computing Science Department has its own backup server to backup Windows PCs and Macs. The server is administered by Dan Synek.

What Files are Backuped?

We currently backup all files except those that belong to open applications or where the name ends with ".mp3".

When are Backups Performed?

Every evening at 19.00 the backup server starts saving files. Your computer could be backuped at any time during the night.

How Long Are Backups Saved?

Currently we have six tapes that we use in a round robin fashion. That means that you can recover a file maximally 6 weeks back in time. This also means that if you go away more than 6 weeks there will be no backup of your data at all. Ask a colleague to put your computer on every 6 weeks to be sure that there is at least one backup of your files.

How Do I know That My Computer has Been Backuped?

You can see a history of the operations of the Retrospect Client under the status field.

How Can I Backup My Notebook?

From January 4 2001 we have started using a constantly running Backup Server, which have been programmed to backup a notebook whenever it is visible on the network. This means that it is likely to start making a backup when you plug it in to the network. It will first prompt you if you want to defer backup to a later time. For this to work you have to have a Retrospect client installed on your system. Contact Dan Synek if you think you need to have it installed.

How Do I Retrieve a File ?

You come to Dan Synek in room HG02.534,>.

How Do I Retrieve a File ?

You come to Dan Synek in room HG02.534,>.

Do I Really have to Leave My Computer On?

Yes, please do. In this way we will know when a real problem with the backup system (and unfortunately this is often the case). Unfortunately the software we use for backups cannot distinguish if a computer is not accessible because of network problems or because the user intentionally shut it off.

What if the Building Burns Down...?

The backup files are stored in room HG02.544 and can be stolen or destroyed like any other equipment. Burn a CD or floppy and take home if you want to be on the safe side.

This page is maintained by Bernadette Smelik; last modification Wed Oct 25 11:08:06 2006.