Institute for Computing and Information Sciences

METIS research database


METIS is a research database that is in use by a number of universities including the University of Nijmegen. As a first step the ICIS has decided to enter all publications from 1-1-2002 onwards in the METIS database.

Access to METIS

The normal access method to METIS currently does not work on non-Windows machines. For users on other platforms, we provide an alternative access method to METIS. To use this alternative, you will need a Java-enabled browser. This method has been tested on the C&CZ Solaris machines with Netscape, on Knoppix with Mozilla and on Linux with FireBird.

If you get many security warnings, it might help to put the following .java.policy in your home directory.

Web output

The publication list can also be viewed on the following web pages:


If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ronny Wichers Schreur.

This page is maintained by Bernadette Smelik; last modification Mon Aug 14 17:13:32 2006.