Master Theme Embedded Systems

Coordinator: prof.dr. Frits Vaandrager

Embedded systems is one of the possible specialisation themes in the Computer Science Master Programme at the Radboud University Nijmegen. It relates closely to the research carried out within the Model-Based System Development (MBSD) group.

What are Embedded Systems?

Embedded systems are highly specializable, often reactive, sub systems that provide, unnoticed by the user, information processing and control tasks to their embedding system. Embedded systems are omnipresent nowadays and make possible the creation of systems with a functionality that cannot be provided by human beings. Example application areas are consumer electronic products (eg CD players, microwave ovens), telecommunication (eg mobile phones), medical systems (eg pacemakers), traffic control (eg intelligent traffic lights), driving and car control (eg ABS), airborne equipment (eg fly-by-wire), and plant control (eg packaging machines, wafer steppers). The term embedded system thus encompasses a broad class of systems, ranging from simple microcontrollers to large and complex multi-processor and distributed systems.
[picture of the Lego Lab

[picture of the Lego Lab

A Challenging Task

The importance of embedded systems is undisputed. Their market size is about 100 times the desktop market, and will grow exponentially also in the next decade. Ever more intelligence will be added to processes and products, and eventually they will all be able to communicate with each other via the Internet. Characteristics of embedded systems are:
  • Complex interaction with environment. One can only design and reason about embedded systems if one takes the behavior of their environment into account. Frequently this environment is highly nondeterministic and intrinsically continuous.
  • High dependability requirements. Besides functional constraints many other aspects play a role in the design of embedded systems: timeliness, fault tolerance, availability, security, safety, etc.
This combination of factors makes the design of embedded systems in general a very complex task. Failure of embedded systems often may have serious consequences (loss of lives, huge financial losses), so correctness and reliability are of vital importance.

The MBSD group develops methods and tools for the specification, design, analysis and testing of embedded systems, distributed algorithms and protocols, and assesses and demonstrates the effectiveness of these methods and tools in the industrial development process. MBSD has an excellent international reputation and its research program was singled out as "Excellent" in the last national research assessment. Members of the MBSD group closely collaborate with industry in joint research projects (Philips, OCE, ASML, Siemens, Chess, Bosch, and with the Embedded Systems Institute (ESI)).


Closely linked to our research, we give the following courses in the specialization phase of the Master's Programme. These courses can be attended in any order.


Last change made on 29/04/2013 by Frits Vaandrager.