Journals Books/Proceedings Book chapters Conferences Unrefereed journals Others Seeds Thesis Presentations
- F. Pallas, K. Koerner, I. Barberá, J.-H. Hoepman, M. Jensen, N. R.
Narla, N. Samarin, M.-R. Ulbricht, I. Wagner, K. Wuyts, and C.
Privacy Engineering From Principles to Practice: A Roadmap. IEEE J. Security & Privacy, 22(2):86-92, 2024.(preprint)
- N. Bangma, F. Z. Borgesius, H. Asghari, and J.-H. Hoepman.
The GDPR’s Rules on Data Breaches: Analysing Their Rationales and Effects. SCRIPTed, 2023. - M. Venema, G. Alpár, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Systematizing core properties of pairing-based attribute-based encryption to uncover remaining challenges in enforcing access control in practice. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 91:165-220, 2023. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Two Faces of Blindness. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2023. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths. European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL), 9(2):104-111, 2023. - B. Bodó, J. K. Brekke, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Decentralisation in the blockchain space. Internet Policy Review, 10(2), 2021. - A. Bay, Z. Erkin, J.-H. Hoepman, S. Samardjiska, and J. Vos.
Practical Multi-party Private Set Intersection Protocols. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 17:1-15, 2021. - B. Bodó, J. K. Brekke, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Decentralisation: a multidisciplinary perspective. Internet Policy Review, 10(2), 2021. - J.-H. Hoepman and B.-J. Koops.
Offering ``Home’’ Protection to Private Digital Storage Spaces. SCRIPTed, 17:359-388, 2020. - W. Lueks, G. Alpár, J.-H. Hoepman, and P. Vullers.
Fast Revocation of Attribute-Based Credentials for Both Users and Verifiers. Computers & Security, 67:308-323, 2017. - J.-H. Hoepman, B.-J. Koops, and W. Lueks.
Anoniem misdaad melden via Internet: technische en juridische risico’s. Nederlands Juristenblad, 43:3056-3063, 2014. - G. Alpár, J.-H. Hoepman, and J. Siljee.
The Identity Crisis - Security, Privacy and Usability Issues in Identity Management. Journal of Information System Security, 9(1):23-53, 2013. (preprint) - B.-J. Koops, J.-H. Hoepman, and R. Leenes.
Open-source intelligence and privacy by design. Computer Law & Security Review, 29(6):676-688, December, 2013. - J.-H. Hoepman and T. Hooghiemstra.
Goede code. De digitale samenleving in balans. RegelMaat, 27(2):76-87, 2012. - J.-H. Hoepman, A. Larsson, E. M. Schiller, and P. Tsigas.
Secure and Self-Stabilizing Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 412(40):5631-5647, 2011. - J.-H. Hoepman and B. Jacobs.
Increased security through open source. Comm. ACM, 50(1):79-83, 2007. - W. Fokkink, J.-H. Hoepman, and J. Pang.
A Note on K-state Self-stabilization in a Ring with K = N. Nordic J. Comput., 12(1):18-26, 2005.(preprint)
- J.-H. Hoepman, M. Papatriantafilou, and P. Tsigas.
Self-Stabilization of Wait-Free Shared Memory Objects. J. Parallel & Distr. Comput., 62(5):766-791, May, 2002.(preprint)
- J.-H. Hoepman.
Can an Operation Both Update the State and Return a Meaningful Value in the Asynchronous PRAM Model?. Inf. Proc. Letters, 79:161-166, August, 2001. - H. Buhrman, M. Franklin, J. Garay, J.-H. Hoepman, J. Tromp, and P.
Mutual Search. J. ACM, 46(4):517-536, July, 1999. - H. Buhrman, J.-H. Hoepman, and P. M. B. Vitányi.
Space-efficient routing tables for almost all networks and the incompressibility method. SIAM J. Comput., 28(4):1414-1432, April, 1999. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Self-Stabilizing Ring-Orientation Using Constant Space. Inf. & Comput., 144(1):18-39, July, 1998.
- J.-H. Hoepman, M. Jensen, M. G. Porcedda, S. Schiffner, and S.
Ziegler, editors.
Privacy Symposium 2024. Data Protection Law International Convergence and Compliance with Innovative Technologies (DPLICIT), 2025. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths. Achieving Privacy through Careful Design. MIT Press, October, 2021. (Paperback edition October 2023). - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacyontwerpstrategieën. Het Blauwe Boekje, May, 2018. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy Design Strategies. The Little Blue Book, May, 2018. - J.-H. Hoepman and S. Katzenbeisser, editors.
IFIP SEC Special issue, volume 71 of Computers and Security (COSE). Elsevier, 2017. - J.-H. Hoepman and S. Katzenbeisser, editors.
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection. 31st IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2016, Ghent, Belgium, May 30 - June 1, 2016, Proceedings, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 471. Springer, 2016. - M. van Lieshout and J.-H. Hoepman, editors.
The Privacy & Identity Lab. 4 Years Later. The Privacy & Identity Lab, 2015. ISBN: 978-90-824835-0-5. - M. Hansen, J.-H. Hoepman, R. Leenes, and D. Whitehouse, editors.
Privacy and Identity Management for Emerging Services and Technologies, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 421. Springer, 2014. - Commissie onderzoek elektronisch stemmen in het stemlokaal
(commissie Van Beek).
Elke Stem Telt. Elektronsich stemmen en tellen. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, December, 2013. - J.-H. Hoepman and I. Verbauwhede, editors.
Radio Frequency Identification: Security and Privacy Issues. 8th International Workshop, RFIDSec 2012, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, July 2-3, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 7739. Springer, 2012. - O. Markowitch, A. Bilas, J.-H. Hoepman, C. J. Mitchell, and J.-J.
Quisquater, editors.
Information Security Theory and Practices 2009. Smart Devices, Pervasive Systems, and Ubiquitous Networks, 3rd IFIP WG 11.2 International Workshop, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 5746. Springer, 2009.
Book chapters
- J.-H. Hoepman.
Making Privacy By Design Concrete. In European Cyber Security Perspectives, pages 26-28. KPN CISO Office, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2018. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Transparency is the perfect cover-up (if the sun does not shine). In E. Bayamlioğlu, I. Baraliuc, L. Janssens, and M. Hildebrandt, editors, Being Profiled: Cogitas Ergo Sum 10 Years Of ‘Profiling The European Citizen’, pages 46-51. Amsterdam University Press, 2018. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Oneerlijk Ontwerpen. In Nederland in Ideëen: Waar Verzet Jij Je Tegen, pages 184-185. Maven Publishing, Amsterdam, 2017. - J.-H. Hoepman and M. van Lieshout.
Privacy. In E. R. Leukfeldt and W. P. Stol, editors, Cyber Safety: An Introduction, pages pp 75-87. Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 2012. - C. de Vey Mestdagh and J.-H. Hoepman.
Inconsistent Knowledge as a Natural Phenomenon: The Ranking of Reasonable Inferences as a Computational Approach to Naturally Inconsistent (Legal) Theories. In G. Dodig-Crnkovic and M. Burgin, editors, Information And Computation, chapter 16, pages 439-476. World Scientific Publishing Co., June, 2011. - J.-H. Hoepman and B. Jacobs.
Privacy: code in context. In V. Frissen, L. Kool, and M. van Lieshout, editors, De Transparante Samenleving. Jaarboek ICT en Samenleving 2011, pages 237-252. Media Update, Gorredijk, 2011. - J.-H. Hoepman and T. Veugen.
Threats and Vulnerabilities of RFID and Beyond. In Y. Zhang and P. Kitsos, editors, Security in RFID and Sensor Networks, chapter 22, pages 469-488. CRC Press, 2009. - H. Meijer, J.-H. Hoepman, B. Jacobs, and E. Poll.
Computer security through Correctness and Transparency. In K. de Leeuw and J. Bergstra, editors, The History of Information Security, chapter 22. Elsevier, 2007.
- M. Akil, S. Naskar, L. Martucci, and J.-H. Hoepman.
A Privacy-Preserving Approach to Vehicle Renting and Driver Accountability in VANETs. In F. Bieker, F. Bieker, S. de Conca, N. Gruschka, M. Jensen, and I. Schiering, editors, Privacy and Identity Management: Sharing (in) a Digital World, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 695, pages 192-210. Springer, 2024. - M. Akil, L. Martucci, and J.-H. Hoepman.
A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme with a Zero-Trust Approach to Vehicle Renting in VANETs. In 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), pages 114-127, 2024. - M. Akil, L. Martucci, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Non-Interactive Privacy-Preserving Sybil-Free Authentication Scheme in VANETs. In Symposium on Vehicle Security and Privacy (VehicleSec 2023), 2023. - S. Fischer-Hübner, M. Hansen, J.-H. Hoepman, and M. Jensen.
Privacy-Enhancing Technologies and Anonymisation in Light of GDPR and Machine Learning. In F. Bieker, J. Meyer, S. Pape, I. Schiering, and A. Weich, editors, Privacy and Identity Management: Participation in a digital society, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 671. Springer, 2023. - J.-H. Hoepman.
A Critique of the Google Apple Exposure Notification (GAEN) Framework. In S. Schiffner, S. Ziegler, and A. Q. Rodriguez, editors, Privacy Symposium 2022, pages 41-58. Springer, 2022.(preprint)
- M. Colesky, J. C. Caiza, J. M. D. Alamo, J.-H. Hoepman, and Y.-S.
A System of Privacy Patterns for User Control. In H. M. Haddad, R. L. Wainwright, and R. Chbeir, editors, 33rd ACM Symp. on Applied Computing, pages 1150-1156. ACM, 2018. - P. van Aubel, M. Colesky, J.-H. Hoepman, E. Poll, and C. M.
Privacy By Design For Local Energy Communities. In CIRED Workshop, 2018. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy Friendly Aggregation of Smart Meter Readings, Even When Meters Crash. In 2nd Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security and Resilience in Smart Grids (CPSR-SG), pages 3-7, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2017. - J. van Puijenbroek and J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy impact assessment in practice. The results of a descriptive field study in the Netherlands. In International Workshop on Privacy Engineering (IWPE 2017), pages 1-8, 2017. - E. Verheul, S. Ringers, and J.-H. Hoepman.
The self-blindable U-Prove scheme by Hanzlik and Kluczniak is forgeable. In J. Grossklags and B. Preneel, editors, Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2017, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 10322, pages 339-345. Springer, 2016. (preprint) - W. Lueks, M. Everts, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Revocable Privacy: Principles, Use Cases, and Technologies. In Annual Privacy Forum (APF 2015), Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 9484, pages 124-143, 2016. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privately (and Unlinkably) Exchanging Messages Using a Public Bulletin Board. In I. Ray, N. Hopper, and R. Jansen, editors, ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society 2015, pages 85-94. ACM, 2016. - M. Hansen, J.-H. Hoepman, and M. Jensen.
Towards Measuring Maturity of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies. In Annual Privacy Forum (APF 2015), Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 9484, pages 3-20, 2016. - M. Hansen, J.-H. Hoepman, M. Jensen, and S. Schiffner.
Report on the Workshop on Assessing the Maturity of Privacy Enhancing Technologies. In D. Aspinall, J. Camenisch, M. Hansen, S. Fischer-H”ubner, and C. D. Raab, editors, Privacy and Identity Management. Time for a Revolution?, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 476. Springer, 2016. - W. Lueks, M. Everts, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Vote to Link: recovering from misbehaving anonymous users. In E. R. Weippl, S. Katzenbeisser, and S. D. C. di Vimercati, editors, ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society 2016, pages 111-122. ACM, 2016. - M. Colesky, J.-H. Hoepman, and C. Hillen.
A Critical Analysis of Privacy Design Strategies. In 2016 International Workshop on Privacy Engineering – IWPE’16, pages 33-40, 2016. - W. Lueks, G. Alpár, J.-H. Hoepman, and P. Vullers.
Fast Revocation of Attribute-Based Credentials for Both Users and Verifiers (extended abstract). In H. Federrath and D. Gollmann, editors, IFIP TC11 Int. Information Security Conference 2015, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 455, pages 463-478. Springer, 2015.(preprint)
- S. Ringers, E. Verheul, and J.-H. Hoepman.
An efficient self-blindable attribute-based credential scheme. In A. Kiayias, editor, Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2017, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 10322, pages 3-20, Malta, 2015. Springer. - W. Lueks, J.-H. Hoepman, and K. Kursawe.
Forward-Secure Distributed Encryption. In E. D. Cristofaro and S. J. Murdoch, editors, Privacy Enhancing Technologies - 14th International Symposium, PETS 2014, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 8555, pages 123-142, Amsterdam, 2014. Springer. - M. Koning, P. Korenhof, G. Alpár, and J.-H. Hoepman.
The ABCs of ABCs: an analysis of attribute-based credentials in the light of data protection, privacy and identity. In J. Balcells, editor, Internet, Law & Politics : A decade of transformations. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics., pages 357-374. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2014. A similar version of this paper was presented at HotPETS 2014, Amsterdam. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy Design Strategies. In N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens, S. Jajodia, A. A. E. Kalam, and T. Sans, editors, IFIP TC11 Int. Information Security Conference 2014, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 428, pages 446-459. Springer, 2014. A preliminary version was presented at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC 2012) and the Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC 2013).(preprint)
- A. de La Piedra, J.-H. Hoepman, and P. Vullers.
Towards a Full-Featured Implementation of Attribute Based Credentials on Smart Card. In A. Kiayias and D. Gritzali, editors, 13th Int. Conf. on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2014), pages 270-289, 2014. - L. Batina, J. Hermans, J.-H. Hoepman, and A. Krasnova.
High-speed dating. Privacy-preserving attribute matching for RFID. In 10th Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDSec), pages 19-35, 2014. - M. Everts, J.-H. Hoepman, and J. Siljee.
UbiKiMa: Ubiquitous Authentication Using a Smartphone, Migrating from Passwords to Strong Cryptography [Short Paper]. In ACM Digital Identity Management Workshop (DIM), pages 19-24, 2013. - G. Alpár and J.-H. Hoepman.
A Secure Channel for Attribute-Based Credentials [Short Paper]. In ACM Digital Identity Management Workshop (DIM), pages 13-18, 2013. - G. Alpár and J.-H. Hoepman.
Avoiding Man-in-the-Middle Attacks When Verifying Public Terminals. In J. Camenisch, B. Crispo, S. Fischer-Hübner, R. Leenes, and G. Russello, editors, Privacy and Identity Management for Life, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 375. Springer, September, 2012. - J.-H. Hoepman.
In Things We Trust? Towards Trustability in the Internet of Things (Extended Abstract). In R. Wichert, K. V. Laerhoven, and J. Gelissen, editors, Constructing Ambient Intelligence - AmI 2011 Workshops, volume 277 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 287-295, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2012. Springer. (preprint) - D. Galindo and J.-H. Hoepman.
Non-interactive Distributed Encryption: A New Primitive for Revocable Privacy. In Y. Chen and J. Vaidya, editors, ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society 2011, pages 81-92. ACM, 2011. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Distributed Double Spending Prevention. In B. Christianson, B. Crispo, J. A. Malcolm, and M. Roe, editors, 15th Int. Workshop on Security Protocols 2007, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 5964, pages 152-165, 2010. - L. Batina, J.-H. Hoepman, B. Jacobs, W. Mostowski, and P.
Developing Efficient Blinded Attribute Certificates on Smart Cards via Pairings. In D. Gollmann, J. Lanet, and J. Iguchi-Cartigny, editors, Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications 2010, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 6035, pages 209-222. Springer, 2010. - J.-H. Hoepman, B. Jacobs, and P. Vullers.
Privacy and Security Issues in e-Ticketing: Optimisation of Smart Card-based Attribute-proving. In Workshop on Foundations of Security and Privacy (FCS-PrivMod), 2010. - J.-H. Hoepman and R. Joosten.
Practical Schemes For Privacy & Security Enhanced RFID (extended abstract). In P. Samarati, M. Tunstall, J. Posegga, K. Markantonakis, and D. Sauveron, editors, Information Security Theory and Practices 2010, volume 6033 of Lect. Not. Comp. Sci., pages 138-53. Springer, 2010.(preprint)
- G. Broenink, J.-H. Hoepman, C. van ’t Hof, R. van Kranenburg, D.
Smits, and T. Wisman.
The Privacy Coach: Supporting customer privacy in the Internet of Things. In Pervasive 2010 Conference Workshop on What can the Internet of Things do for the citizen?, pages 72-81, 2010. - J.-H. Hoepman and G. Huitema.
Privacy Enhanced Fraud Resistant Road Pricing. In What Kind of Information Society? Governance, Virtuality, Surveillance, Sustainability, Resilience, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 328, pages 202-213. Springer, 2010. - S. Ringers, J.-H. Hoepman, and W. Lueks.
On linkability and malleability in self-blindable credentials. In R. N. Akram and S. Jajodia, editors, Information Security Theory and Practices 2015, volume 9311 of Lect. Not. Comp. Sci., pages 203-218. Springer, 2010. - L. Chmielewski, J.-H. Hoepman, and P. van Rossum.
Client-Server Password Recovery. In The 4th International Symposium on Information Security (IS’09), pages 861-878, Vilamoura, Algarve-Portugal, November, 2009. (preprint) - J.-H. Hoepman, A. Larsson, E. M. Schiller, and P. Tsigas.
Secure and Self-Stabilizing Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks. In Proc. 9th Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (Adhoc 2009), pages 78-82, 2009. - L. Chmielewski and J.-H. Hoepman.
Fuzzy Private Matching (extended abstract). In Availability, Reliability and Security 2008, pages 327-334. IEEE Computer Society, 2008.(preprint)
- G. de Koning Gans, J.-H. Hoepman, and F. D. Garcia.
A Practical Attack on the MIFARE Classic. In G. Grimaud and F. Standaert, editors, Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications 2008, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 5189, pages 267-282. Springer, 2008. (preprint) - R. Brinkman, L. Chmielewski, J.-H. Hoepman, and B. Bos.
Using JASON to secure SOA. In 1st Int. Workshop on Middleware Security (MidSec 2008), pages 13-18, 2008. - J. H. Hoepman, R. Joosten, and J. Siljee.
Comparing Identity Management Frameworks in a Business Context. In V. Matyáš, S. F. Hübner, D. Cvrček, and P. Švenda, editors, The Future of Identity in the Information Society, IFIP Adv. in Inf. and Comm. Tech. 298, pages 184-196. Springer, 2008. - J. Clarke, W. Donnelly, K. Howker, P. Walland, M. Surridge, F. K.
Liotopoulos, L. Ridel, G. Shafran, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Security, Privacy and Trust Challenges for Networked and Electronic Media. In NEM Summit, 2008. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Private Handshakes. In F. Stajano, editor, 4th Eur. Symp. on Security and Privacy in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 4572, pages 31-42, 2007. - J.-H. Hoepman, A. Larsson, E. M. Schiller, and P. Tsigas.
Secure and Self-Stabilizing Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks. In T. Masuzawa and S. Tixeuil, editors, Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems 2007, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 4838, pages 340-356. Springer, 2007. - J.-H. Hoepman and G. Kleinhuis.
Two worlds, one smart card. In Public Key Infrastructure 2007, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 4582, pages 236-247. Springer, 2007. - B. Bos, L. Chmielewski, J.-H. Hoepman, and T. S. Nguyen.
Remote Management and Secure Application Development for Pervasive Home Systems Using JASON. In P. Georgiadis, J. López, S. Gritzalis, and G. F. Marias, editors, 3rd International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, pages 7-12. IEEE Computer Society, 2007. - R. Corin, D. Galindo, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Securing data accountability in decentralized systems. In International Workshop on Information Security, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 4277, pages 626-635, 2006. - J.-H. Hoepman, E. Hubbers, B. Jacobs, M. Oostdijk, and R. Wichers
Crossing Borders: Security and Privacy Issues of the European e-Passport. In H. Yoshiura, K. Sakurai, K. Rannenberg, Y. Murayama, and S. Kawamura, editors, Advances in Information and Computer Security 2006, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 4266, pages 152-167. Springer, 2006. - J.-H. Hoepman, S. Kutten, and Z. Lotker.
Efficient Distributed Weighted Matching on Trees. In Structural Information and Communication Complexity 2006, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 4056. Springer, 2006. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Ephemeral Pairing on Anonymous Networks. In D. Hutter and M. Ullmann, editors, Security in Pervasive Computing 2005, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 3450, pages 101-116. Springer, 2005. - F. D. Garcia and J.-H. Hoepman.
Off-line Karma: A Decentralized Currency for Peer-to-peer and Grid Networks. In J. Ioannidis, A. Keromytis, and M. Yung, editors, Applied Cryptography and Network Security 2005, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 3531, pages 364-377. Springer, 2005. - F. D. Garcia and J.-H. Hoepman.
Off-line Karma: A Decentralized Currency for Static Peer-to-peer and Grid Networks. In 5th Int. Network Conf. (INC 2005), pages 325-332, 2005. - J.-H. Hoepman.
The Ephemeral Pairing Problem. In A. Juels, editor, Financial Cryptography 2004, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 3110, pages 212-226. Springer, 2004. - F. D. Garcia, J.-H. Hoepman, and J. van Nieuwenhuizen.
Spam Filter Analysis. In Y. Deswarte, F. Cuppens, S. Jajodia, and L. Wang, editors, IFIP TC11 Int. Information Security Conference 2004, IFIP 147. Kluwer/Springer, 2004.(preprint)
- F. D. Garcia and J.-H. Hoepman.
Off-line Karma: Towards a Decentralized Currency for Peer-to-peer and Grid Applications (Brief Abstract). In Workshop on Secure Multiparty Computations (SMP), 2004. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Security, Fault-Tolerance and their Verification for Ambient Systems. In D. Gritzalis, S. D. C. di Vimercati, P. Samarati, and S. K. Katsikas, editors, Security and Privacy in the Age of Uncertainty. IFIP TC11 18th Int. Conf. on Information Security (SEC2003), IFIP Conference Proceedings 250, pages 441-446. Kluwer, 2003. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Splitters: Objects for On-Line Partitioning. In M. Papatriantafilou and P. Hunel, editors, Int. Conf. on Principles of Distributed Systems 2003, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 3144, pages 47-57. Springer, 2003. - R. Brinkman and J.-H. Hoepman.
Secure Method Invocation in JASON. In P. Honeyman, editor, Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications 2002, pages 29-40. USENIX, 2002. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Randomised Mutual Search for k > 2 Agents. In J. L. Welch, editor, Distributed Computing 2001, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 2180, pages 180-193. Springer, 2001. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Secret key authentication with software-only verification. In Y. Frankel, editor, Financial Cryptography 2000, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 1962, pages 313-326. Springer, 2000. - H. Buhrman, M. Franklin, J. Garay, J.-H. Hoepman, J. Tromp, and P.
Mutual Search. In H. J. Karloff, editor, 9th Ann. ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms, pages 481-489. SIAM, 1998. - H. Buhrman, J.-H. Hoepman, and P. M. B. Vitányi.
Optimal Routing Tables. In 15th ACM Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 134-142. ACM, 1996. - H. Buhrman, J. A. Garay, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Optimal Resiliency Against Mobile Faults. In 25th Int. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pages 83-88. IEEE Computer Society, 1995. - J.-H. Hoepman, M. Papatriantafilou, and P. Tsigas.
Self-Stabilization of Wait-Free Shared Memory Objects. In J.-M. Hélary and M. Raynal, editors, Distributed Algorithms, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 972, pages 273-287. Springer, 1995. (Updated version January 2000, Preliminary report: CS-R9514). - H. Buhrman, J. A. Garay, J.-H. Hoepman, and M. Moir.
Long-Lived Renaming Made Fast. In 14th ACM Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 194-203. ACM, 1995. - D. Alstein, J.-H. Hoepman, B. E. Olivier, and P. I. A. van der
Self-Stabilizing Mutual Exclusion on Directed Graphs. In E. Backer, editor, Computer Science in the Netherlands, pages 42-53. Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1994.(preprint)
- J.-H. Hoepman.
Uniform Deterministic Self-Stabilizing Ring-Orientation on Odd-Length Rings. In G. Tel and P. M. B. Vitányi, editors, Distributed Algorithms, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 857, pages 265-279. Springer-Verlag, 1994. (preprint) - J.-H. Hoepman and J. Tromp.
Binary Snapshots. In A. Schiper, editor, Distributed Algorithms, Lect. Not. Comp. Sci. 725, pages 18-25. Springer-Verlag, 1993. (preprint) - C. N. J. de Vey Mestdagh, W. Verwaard, and J.-H. Hoepman.
The Logic of Reasonable Inferences. In J. A. Breuker, R. V. de Mulder, and J. C. Hage, editors, Legal Knowledge Based Systems – Model-Based Legal Reasoning, pages 60-76, Lelystad, 1991. Koninklijke Vermande. ISBN 90 5458 989 2.
Unrefereed journals
- J.-H. Hoepman.
Waarom Een Europese Digitale Identiteit Simpel Moet Blijven. Clingendael Spectator, September, 2022. - J.-H. Hoepman.
De overheid heeft de afslag gemist. iBestuur, 2020. - J.-H. Hoepman.
eID Stelsel wijzigt koers – en raakt daarmee van de wal in de sloot. Privacy & Informatie, pages 42-45, 2015. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Het Privacy & Identity lab. Nationale veiligheid en crisibeheersing, 13(2):34-34, 2015. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Irma brengt persoonsgegevens efficiënt en privacyvriendelijk naar chipkaart. Bits & Chips, 2013. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Het recht op inzage is een wassen neus. Wat nu? Informatiebeveiliging, 6:16-17, 2011. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Revocable Privacy. ENISA Quarterly Review, 5(2):16-17, June, 2009. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Revocable Privacy. Informatiebeveiliging, (5):14-17, August, 2008. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Follow that car! Over de mogelijke privacy gevolgen van rekeningrijden, en hoe die te vermijden. Privacy & Informatie, 11(5):225-230, June, 2008. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Revocable Privacy. Privacy & Informatie, 11(3):114-118, June, 2008. - J.-H. Hoepman, R. Joosten, M. Schenk, T. Veugen, and D. Welfing.
Veilig en integer beheer van persoonsgegevens. Beveiliging, pages 76-79, April, 2008. - J.-H. Hoepman and B. Jacobs.
E-passports without the big picture. eGov Monitor, 2006. url - J.-H. Hoepman.
Veiliger software door open source. Informatiebeveiliging, 8:4-6, December, 2005. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Veiligheid Door Openheid – Tot Aan de Bron. Livre, 12:10-11, June, 2005. - J.-H. Hoepman and B. P. F. Jacobs.
Elektronische handtekening. Wie tekent er voor? I & I, 21(3):8-9, 2003. - J.-H. Hoepman and B. P. F. Jacobs.
Open source software: bron van vertrouwen. I & I, 21(6):12-19, 2003. - J.-H. Hoepman.
PKI: Vloek of Zegen? Informatiebeveiliging, 3:4-8, April, 2002. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy-vriendelijk ontwerpen als antwoord op de informatiemaatschappij. Informatiebeveiliging, 2:4-6, June, 2001. - J.-H. Hoepman and A. Helme.
Secure Ecommerce: Voorwaarden voor veilig zakendoen over het Internet. MNet Magazine 20/21, November, 1999.
- C. Baum, O. Blazy, J. Camenisch, J.-H. Hoepman, E. Lee, A. Lehmann,
A. Lysyanskaya, R. Mayrhofer, H. Montgomery, N. K. Nguyen, B. Preneel,
abhi shelat, D. Slamanig, S. Tessaro, S. E. Thomsen, and C.
Cryptographers’ Feedback on the EU Digital Identity’s ARF, June, 2024. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy Preserving Techniques. Whitepaper, RUG, February, 2022. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Mutual Contact Discovery, September, 2022. CoRR abs/2209.12003. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Hansel and Gretel and the Virus, January, 2021. CoRR abs/2101.03241. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy Friendly E-Ticketing For Public Transport, January, 2021. CoRR abs/2101.09085. - M. Venema, G. Alpár, and J.-H. Hoepman.
Systematizing Core Properties of Pairing-Based Attribute-Based Encryption to Uncover Remaining Challenges in Enforcing Access Control in Practice. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2021/1172, September, 2021. - J.-H. Hoepman.
A Critique of the Google Apple Exposure Notification (GAEN) Framework, December, 2020. CoRR abs/2012.05097. - N. Bangma, F. Z. Borgesius, J.-H. Hoepman, and H. Asghari.
The GDPR’s rules on data breaches: An interdisciplinary analysis. To be presented at PLSC-E 2020, Tilburg and SSN 2020, Rotterdam, 2020. - R. Gündlach, J.-H. Hoepman, R. van der Hofstad, T. Koens, and S.
Hydra: A Multiple Blockchain Protocol for Improving Transaction Throughput, October, 2019. CoRR abs/1910.06682. - J.-H. Hoepman.
A (preliminary) note on privacy friendly public transport ticketing. unpublished, 2019. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Het gebruik van blockchain technologie in het verkiezingsproces. Technical report, Privacy & Identity Lab, 2018. - M. Hansen, J.-H. Hoepman, and M. Jensen.
Readiness Analysis for the Adoption and Evolution of Privacy Enhancing Technologies. Technical report, ENISA, December, 2015. ISBN 978-92-9204-151-9. - J.-H. Hoepman, B.-J. Koops, and W. Lueks.
Haalbaarheid van een anoniem misdaadmeldpunt via het Internet. Technical report, Privacy & Identity Lab, 2014. - G. Danezis, J. Domingo-Ferrer, M. Hansen, J.-H. Hoepman, D. L.
Metayer, R. Tirtea, and S. Schiffner.
Privacy and Data Protection by Design - from policy to engineering. Technical report, ENISA, December, 2014. ISBN 978-92-9204-108-3, DOI 10.2824/38623.(preprint)
- G. Alpár, J.-H. Hoepman, and W. Lueks.
An Attack Against Fixed Value Discrete Logarithm Representations. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2013/120, March, 2013. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Privacy Design Strategies, October, 2012. CoRR abs/1210.6621. A preliminary version was presented at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC 2012) and the Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC 2013). - J.-H. Hoepman.
In Things We Trust? Towards trustability in the Internet of Things, September, 2011. CoRR abs/1109.2637. - G. Alpár, J.-H. Hoepman, and J. Siljee.
The Identity Crisis. Security, Privacy and Usability Issues in Identity Management, January, 2011. CoRR abs/1101.0427. - J.-H. Hoepman and J. Siljee.
The Identity Crisis - Usability, Security and Privacy Issues in Identity Management. Whitepaper, TNO, 2009. - J.-H. Hoepman and B. Jacobs.
Software Security Through Open Source, 2007. Preliminary version submitted to CACM. - J.-H. Hoepman and J. Siljee.
Beyond RFID: the NFC Security Landscape. Whitepaper, TNO, 2007. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Stemgeheim is niet het enige probleem van NewVote stemcomputer. Appeared as ‘Nieuwe risicosport: stemmen’,, 2007. - M. Witteman and J.-H. Hoepman.
Reverse engineering implementations of cryptographic algorithms by means of Power Analysis. Technical report, internal, February, 2004. - K. Cartrysse, R. Corin, M. Dekker, S. Etalle, J.-H. Hoepman, G.
Lenzini, J. v.d. Lubbe, J. Verschuren, and T. Veugen.
Privacy in an Ambient World (PAW): Using licenses and private computing as PET. Technical report, internal, January, 2004. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Simple Distributed Weighted Matchings, October, 2004. CoRR abs/0410047. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Maak de broncode van onze stemmachines openbaar. (unpublished), 2004. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Standaard computers? Nee bedankt! (unpublished), September, 2003. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Digitale kluis is doos van pandora. Forum, De Volkskrant, 3 April, 2001. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Zonder digitaal paspoort is het Internet ook prima te beveiligen. (unpublished), 2001. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Symmetric key authentication using verification in public. Technical report, University of Twente, 2001. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Self-stabilizing mutual exclusion on a ring, even if K=N, September, 1999. eprint cs.DC/9909013. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Long-lived Test-And-Set Using Bounded Space. Technical report, University of Twente, September, 1999. - J.-H. Hoepman.
Communication, Synchronization & Fault Tolerance. Phd thesis, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, June, 1996.
I maintain a seperate page of Seeds: raw, unfinished, or far fetched ideas. Feel free to browse them and get inspired. But tell me if you worked on them! See also my blog.
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J.-H. Hoepman Communication, Synchronization & Fault Tolerance Amsterdam, 1996. Summary (in Dutch). To order, send mail to [] |
- Privacy Friendly Digital Identity Wallets? The devil is in the details (unfortunately)!, 2024-11-18, Berlin group, Brussles.
- De Staat van Internet - Digitale Identiteit, 27 Februari 2020, Amsterdam.
- Blockchain and Identity: Why you should avoid blockchain like the plague, September 9, 2017, Groningen.
- Security + Privacy != 0, LCB, April 24, 2014, The Hague.
- Online Tracking Technologies, Online Tracking Workshop, February 11, 2014, Brussels.
- The Gospel of IRMA, 30th Chaos Communication Congres (30c3), Hamburg, December 27, 2013. (slides)
- Privacy by Design - Strategies and Patterns, PI.lab annual event, CCC, Amsterdam, December 5, 2013.
- Can we save our online freedom?, Ohm 2013, Noisy2 Village, The Netherlands, July 31, 2013.
- RFID Privacy Risks & Countermeasures - Technical Issues, Mediamatic workshop "RFID Privacies", Amsterdam, NL, August 24, 2004.
- RFID Risks. A perfidious technology?, SIGCHI.NL: Dutch Directions in HCI, Amsterdam, NL, June 10, 2004.
- Can you trust your trusted computing platform?, AEGEE Symposium "What they don't tell us; privacy and security on the computer", Utrecht, NL, April 16, 2004.
- The Ephemeral Pairing Problem, Financial Cryptography 2004, Key West, FL, USA, February 12, 2004.
- Splitters: Objects for On-Line Partitioning, OPODIS 2003, Martinique, France, December 10, 2003.
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Maintained by Jaap-Henk Hoepman