The list below is in reverse chronological order.
- Occurrence in
article Europese
digitale identiteit is straks niet veilig genoeg, waarschuwen
experts, in national
newspaper NRC, 22/12/2024.
- Occurrence in article
zet verhuizing van overheidsgegevens naar de cloud voorlopig
stil. ‘Dit gaat om de Nederlandse veiligheid’, in
national newspaper De
Volkskrant, 2/12/2024.
- Occurrence in online
article Waarom
winst Trump gevolgen heeft voor de digitale overheid
in Binnenlands
Bestuur, on 1/11/2024.
- Occurrence in online
article Oorzaak
storing in beeld, ‘in 9 van 10 gevallen menselijke
fout’ at NOS, on 28/8/2024.
- Occurrence in online
article Hebben eerdere sancties die EU oplegde aan techbedrijven al enig resultaat gehad? En andere vragen beantwoord
of EenVandaag, on 3/7/2024.
- Interview together
with Rowin Jansen,
title Rapport
over de allereerste geheime dienst is razend spannend. ‘Een
soort tijdcapsule’, on newly published
book Uiterst Vertrouwelijk, in University Magazine Vox,
- Occurrence in
article Grote
pornosites moeten leeftijd bezoekers checken, maar doen dat niet,
at online
magazine Netkwesties,
- Long interview on the new 2023 year report of the security and
intelligence organisation AIVD and the new
book Uiterst
in BNR
Digitaal at at BNR Radio,
- Live radio
interview Boek
over BVD tijdens interbellum, voorloper AIVD, about a new
book Uiterst
Vertrouwelijk, at late evening current affairs
program Met
het Oog op Morgen, 22/4/2024.
- Occurrence in video and
article Fact-check:
Is the EU digital identity wallet going to strip away our
privacy? of
the Euronews fact-check
programme The
Cube, on 16/4/2024.
- Occurrence in online
article VS
klaagt Chinezen aan om grootschalige spionage: ‘Dit is nieuw
of Nieuwsuur, on 27/3/2024.
- Occurrence
in radio
item about whether social media should be regulated as
utilities, with mention
of PubHubs, in radio
programma Spraakmakers,
Radio 1, 23/2/2024.
- Occurrence in
article Onze
lichamen worden steeds meer als identiteitsbewijs gebruikt by
Maxim Februari, in opinion magazine Vrij
Nederland, 19/2/2024. [local copy]
- Interview about OpenAI's Sora, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
17/2/2024, see
- Occurrence in
article Veilig
gegevens delen? Straks heeft iedereen zijn digitale identiteit in een
‘wallet’ op zijn telefoon, in national
newspaper NRC, 11/1/2024.
- Occurrence in
documentary Zwarte
lak en witte jassen on the media dynamics around intelligence,
- Occurrence in
item Kamer
stemt over cyberwet: ‘Geen interesse in Netflix-gedrag
buurman’, at online news
site, 22/10/2023.
- Occurrence in the
Intern rapport: Belastingdienst krijgt privacyschendingen met
huidige aanpak niet opgelost in national
newspaper NRC, 4/10/2023.
- Occurrence in article
komt met campagne om burgers af te schrikken VPN-verbindingen te
gebruiken, in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Occurrence in the
article Ziekenhuizen zijn een makkelijke prooi voor op data beluste bedrijven, in investigative journalism
website Follow the Money,
- Occurrence in article Researchers Find ‘Backdoor’ in Encrypted Police and Military Radios at online news channel Vice, 24/7/2023.
- Occurrence in TV-item of
RTL Nieuws, about
discovered vulnerabilities in the professional mobile
communication system TETRA, 24/7/2023.
- Occurrence in article
ontdekken ernstige kwetsbaarheden in veelgebruikte radiocommunicatie:
ook C2000 getroffen, about TETRA vulnerabilities, in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
Interview “De
universiteiten in Nederland zijn op de rug gaan liggen voor Big
Tech” in online science
magazine Science Guide,
- Occurrence in the
article Stemmen
vanuit het buitenland, graag -- maar dan wel digitaal: ‘Hoe
krijgen we een hogere opkomst’? in national
newspaper NRC, 29/5/2023.
- Live phone interview about the proposed addition to the
intelligence law, together with Bert Hubert
in The Daily
Move, at BNR Radio, 6/4/2023, at 17:44
(see BNR archive).
- Occurrence in
article Nederlandse
partners verdienen 'geen pepernoot' meer aan
Microsoft-producten, in financial
newspaper Financieel Dagblad,
- Occurrence in
article Nederlands initiatief wil voorkomen dat EU Wallet China-achtig controlesysteem wordt in IT-magazine AG Connect,
- Occurrence in
article Privacy-hoogleraren staan achter wet cyberoperaties, in computer
magazine Computable,
- Occurrence in
article Politie
scherp op spionage via drones, ‘beschermende maatregelen’
genomen, in national
newspaper De Telegraaf,
- Occurrence in
article Algoritmische
ongehoorzaamheid: zo verzet je je tegen een onzichtbare vijand, in
opinion magazine Vrij Nederland,
- Occurrence in
article Bescherming
of bedreiging? De voors en tegens van de aangepaste Sleepwet op een
, at Kennislink, 16/12/2022.
- Live phone interview about the proposed addition to the
intelligence law,
in De
ochtendspits, at BNR Radio, 9/12/2020.
- Occurrence in online
article Amsterdam UMC hekelt oproep op juicekanaal over delen medische gegevens
of NOS, on 29/11/2022.
- Occurrence in article Hoe Europa nog altijd rode loper uitrolt voor China in magazine
Elseviers Weekblad (EW),
- Occurrence in opinion article
Leg wettelijk vast dat experts onderzoek mogen doen naar gaten in
cyberbeveiliging by Ot van Daalen, in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Opinion
article Onze overheid moet haar kostbare data niet klakkeloos uitleveren aan
Google en Amazon
with José
van Dijck, in: Volkskrant, 21/9/2022. Follow-up article
maken gehakt van nieuwe cloudkoers kabinet in IT-magazine AG
Connect, 22/9/2022.
- Occurrence in the
article Geheime
diensten forceren nieuwe inlichtingenwet, toezichthouder dreigt op
te stappen, in investigative journalism
website Follow the Money,
- Occurrence in the
article Cyber
Security Raad: chatberichten kunnen op korte termijn niet afgetapt
worden in national
newspaper NRC, 25/8/2022.
- Occurrence (at the very end) of the
article ‘WhatsApp
dreigde uit Nederland te vertrekken om aftapplicht’, in
national newspaper NRC,
- Live interview
in NOS
Radio 1, on national news
station radio 1, about digital
identity, 31/5/2022.
- Article Nederlands
sociaal netwerk als alternatief voor
in online
magazine Binnenlands
Bestuur, 30/5/2022.
- Occurrence in
article Digitale
Europese identiteit: met één app overal studeren,
about the European wallet-ID plans
and IRMA, Brusselse Nieuwe,
Item Privacyvriendelijk
sociaal netwerk van twee Nederlandse hoogleraren komt in 2023,
about, at online
tech site Tweakers, 27/5/2021.
- Occurrence in
item Nieuw
sociaal netwerk uit Nederland wil alternatief bieden voor
on, at online news
site, 27/5/2021.
- Occurrence in online
item Nieuw
sociaal netwerk uit Nederland krijgt vorm on a the new community
network, in
professional magazine De
Ingenieur, 19/5/2022.
- Occurrence in
article Een
nieuw web in weekly background info
magazine De Groene
Amsterdammer, nr. 11, 16/3/2022.
- Live
interview Meer
online spioneren voor onze veiligheid? Maar wel met beter
toezicht, in the programme BNR Digitaal, BNR Radio,
- Occurrence in
article Omstreden
Chinese camera's gebruikt in 12 gemeenten in Oost-Nederland: experts
vrezen spionagegevaar, in regional
newspaper De Stentor,
- Occurrence in
article Privacy-app
IRMA wint prijs zonder geld in IT-magazine AG Connect,
- Occurrence in
article Wie
controleert straks onze digitale identiteit, in investigative
journalism website Follow the Money,
- Double interview, together
with José
van Dijck with title Exposing Defects in the Digital
Society in I/O magazine, of ICT Research Platform
Nederland, Volume
18, nr. 4, p.5-7, 2021.
Interview ‘We
hoeven niet alles te doen zoals Silicon Valley het
voorschrijft’, also with Roelof Meijer, Platform voor
Informatiebeveiliging (PvIB), NR 6,
jaargang 2021.
Interview Is
de Europese digitale identiteit echt het einde van de
vrijheid? in
IT-magazine AG Connect,
- Occurrence in online
article Kerstlied
van Rutte en De Jonge gaat viral: ‘Goed gedaan, maar ook
waarschuwing’, about a deepfake video going viral and
digital signature
protection, RTL
Nieuws 17/12/2021.
- Occurrence in TV-item
tegen camera's gaat ondanks uitzetten door: ‘Er is meer aan de
hand’ at regional TV-station
Omroep West on the switching off of hndreds of video cameras at Leiden University, 14/12/2021.
- Occurrence in
article Wetenschappers
waarschuwen voor een nieuwe digitale identiteit, on hidden
surveillance agendas in the push behind digital identities, in
investigative journalism website Follow
the Money, 11/12/2021.
- Occurrence in
article Opeens
hangen er overal slimme camera's (en die zien alles), on camera's
at Leiden university meant for counting people, in Leiden University
Magazine Mare, 17/11/2021.
- Occurrence in
articles ‘BZK
moet waarde inzien van open source als vereiste’ in
IT-magazine AG Connect and
in Binnenlands
Bestuur as follow-up of the ibestuur blog,
source als strategisch instrument, 29/11/2021.
- Occurrence in
article Opeens
hangen er overal slimme camera's (en die zien alles), on camera's
at universities meant for counting people, in Leiden University
Magazine Mare, 17/11/2021.
- Short interview in (first)
item Google,
Amazon, Facebook, Apple en Microsoft. Hoe tem je de Big Five? in
Science TV Programma Atlas,
Portrait in
article Bart
Jacobs: een principiële criticus die niet snel buigt in
University Magazine Vox, 12/10/2021.
- Occurrence in
article Als
een computergijzeling echt de veiligheid bedreigt, is Nederland niet
goed toegerust in national
newspaper Trouw, 8/10/2021.
- Occurrence in
article Het
einde van de anonimiteit. ‘Privacy wordt iets voor de
bourgeoisie’ in weekly background info
magazine De Groene
Amsterdammer, nr. 39, 29/9/2021.
Interview Een
nieuw sociaal netwerk met IRMA in de hoofdrol at SIDN's blog
site, with follow-up
article Nederlandse
hoogleraar wil privacyvriendelijk sociaal netwerk starten at
security news
- Interview, together with
van Dijck, with
title Nederlandse
wetenschappers kondigen aanval op Facebook aan, with follow-up
comments, at online
magazine Netkwesties,
- Occurrence in
item Microsoft
zet stap naar wachtwoordloze toekomst, maar einde is nog niet in
zicht on Microsoft's passwordless authentication plans, at
online news site, 23/9/2021.
- Occurrence in
article Hoogleraar
wint 2,5 miljoen voor app waarmee sociale media veiliger wordt, in
regional newspaper
De Gelderlander,
- Double
interview 'Facebook
is in feite een onveilige omgeving', also
with José van
Dijck, about plans for a new social network, in national
newspaper NRC, 20/9/2021.
- Multiple news items after
receiving Stevin
prize, for instance at:
(including video of radio
interview), AD
in De
Gelderlander, De
Stentor), De
Ingenieur, LINDA, NRC, Leisch Dagblad, Bits and Chips
- Occurrence in
article Leny
wil eindelijk wel eens zonder rompslomp en hulp van haar Johan haar
zaakjes kunnen regelen, in regional newspapers De Gelderlander, De
Stentor, Tubantia, 20/7/2021.
Interview Superscience:
oog voor security en privacy in professional
IT-magazine AG Connect,
- Occurrence in
article Nog
veiliger dan een ingewikkeld wachtwoord, volgens Google: helemaal geen
wachtwoord meer, about municipalities monitoring citizen's online,
in national newspaper De
Volkskrant, 18/6/2021. Also in Belgium newspapger
De Standaard.
- Participation in online item
met het verder met de sleepnetwet? on the ongoing revision of the
intelligence law, in investigative journalism radio program
Argos, 5/6/2021.
- Live radio
interview interview
on electronic identities, esp. on
new European
plans in relation to IRMA, in
current affairs
program EenVandaag,
4/6/2021. See also follow documentation online.
- Occurrence in
article Vaccinatiegegevens
van miljoenen Nederlanders in database: is dat wel te
vertrouwen? of national newspaper
in Algemeen Dagblad, 31/5/2021. Copied
in newspaper
- Occurrence in TV News
program RTL4
News and online news
item Vaccinatieprogramma
al maanden lek, iedereen kan voordringen en prik krijgen, of
RTL News, 18/5/2021.
Follow-up coverage
- Occurrence in
article Gemeenten
kijken op grote schaal en in het geheim mee met burgers op sociale
media, about municipalities monitoring citizen's online, in
national newspaper De
Volkskrant, 18/5/2021. Follow-up coverage e.g. at
- Occurrence in
article Apps
voor veiligere authenticatie rukken op in professional
IT-magazine AG Connect,
- Interview Privacy-expert
waarschuwt voor risico's PGO-apps, on website of TV programme
Meldpunt, 10/5/2021.
- Occurrence in
article Overheid
dwingt burger in richting van Google en Apple about login to
government websites, in financial
newspaper Financieel Dagblad,
10/5/2021. [local copy]
- Occurrence in
article ‘Smoking
gun’ Huawei toont kwetsbaarheid van telecom in national
newspapers NRC on 19/4/2021.
- Occurrence in
article Huawei kon alle gesprekken van mobiele KPN klanten afluisteren inclusief die van de premier,
about Huawei's access to customer data of telecom provider KPN, in
national newspaper De
Volkskrant, 17/4/2021.
- Live interview about Corona vaccination reservations, in current
affairs TV programme Nieuwsuur,
on 17/4/2021, see
[episode with iterview starting at 6:10] [web page item].
- Occurrences in national evening
news (at 18:00 and
on a new report of the Cyber Security Board about the need for
investments in cyber resilience, 6/4/201, with
follow-up online
- Occurrence in
article Huawei
had onbeperkt toegang tot gegevens miljoenen Telfort klanten,
about Huawei's access to customer data of telecom provider Telfort, in
national newspaper De
Volkskrant, 31/3/2021. This news generated several follow-up
e.g. at NOS,
Connect, Hccnet,
Interview Huawei
had inzage in miljoenen klantgegevens Telfort, in the
programme BNR Zakendoen, BNR Radio, 30/3/2021.
- Occurrence in online
article Waarom
criminelen een berichtendienst gebruiken zoals Sky ECC about
police hacking of encrypted chat service Sky
ECC, RTL Nieuws
- An hour long radio
interview Echt
of nep? De groeiende dreiging van deepfakes, about fake news and
the importance of authentication and authenticity, in Radio Science
Programme Radio
23/2/2021 [podcast
- Interview in
TV-documentary De
wereld achter WhatsApp-fraude, in current affairs programme
Pointer, 1/2/2021.
- Live
interview De
strijd om vaccinatiegegevens
in De Nieuws BV at
national news radio station Radio 1, on management of vaccination
data, 5/1/2020.
Occurrence in
article Ondanks
bezwaren gaat universiteit door met uitrol cloudservice
Microsoft365 in University Magazine Vox, 5/1/2020.
- Occurrence in online
article Corona-apps met Apple-Google API in meer dan dertig landen uitgerold at security news
site, 14/12/2020.
Interview Privacyhoogleraar
Bart Jacobs: 'Overstap van universiteit naar clouddiensten
Microsoft is illegaal' in University Magazine Vox,
- Short live interview on ransomware attack on the municipality
Hof van Twente,
in Met
het oog op Morgen, on national news
radio Radio 1, on 7/12/2020.
- Occurrence in
article Haar
medische gegevens las ze terug in een roman in national
newspapers NRC on 7/12/2020.
- Occurrence in online
article Van Engelshoven: surveillancesoftware heeft impact op privacy
student at security news
site, 18/11/2020.
- Online reports
from Tweakers
and NOS, NOS,
and AG connect
about explicit counting of vote-totals in the upcoming national
elections, 9/11/2020.
Short interview
on proctoring in current affairs
TV-program EenVandaag,
- Occurrence in
article Nog
steeds wrevel over de 'sleepwet': geklaag bij geheime diensten, zorgen
bij toezichthouder, in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Occurrence in
article Tre
spioner gik i 1976 ind på en bar. Siden har Danmark været
en del af et hemmeligt efterretningsnetværk (In 1976, three
spies entered a bar. Since then, Denmark has been part of a secret
intelligence network), in Danish national
newspaper Berlingske,
5/9/2020. [local copy]
- Occurrence in online
article Vraagtekens
bij samenwerking Amsterdamse universiteiten en Huawei
of NOS, on 25/8/2020.
- Occurrence in
article CDA:
Hugo de Jonge heeft eerlijk gewonnen in national
newspapers NRC on 19/8/2020. It
contains a quote introducing Putin-proof voting as
requirement for online voting.
- Occurrence in
article Une
petite note manuscrite du renseignement extérieur allemand
brise un très vieux secret in French national newspaper
Le Monde, 24/7/2020.
- Occurrence in
article Hoe
internet je veilig op het vakantieadres? (Misschien niet met de
campingwifi), in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- A long interview about digital ramifications of the Corona
entitled Lessen
van Corona: de wereld van high-tech, in the summer series of
the investigative radio
programme Reporter
Radio, 19/7/2020; see also follow-up
item Hoogleraar
computerbeveiliging gaat apart toestel voor corona-app
gebruiken at online security news
- Occurrence in two
articles ‘OV-chipkaart
is nog altijd kwetsbaar voor fraude’
and Hoe
twee IT’ers anderhalf jaar gratis konden treinen na geslaagde
hack on vulnerabilities in the national transport chipcard, in
national newspapers NRC on
- Occurrence in
article Exklusiv-Recherche:
BND spionierte jahrzehntelang am Parlament vorbei in German
national newspaper Frankfurter
Rundschau, 1/7/2020, see original source article.
- Occurrence in
article Die
europäische Geheimdienst-Allianz Maximator on German
IT-site, 30/6/2020.
Article Hoogleraar
computerbeveiliging kritisch over afhankelijkheid van Apple en
Google bij corona-app about corona app critique, at online security
news site, 16/6/2020.
- Interview about Corona app plans, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
12/6/2020, see
version] and background [article].
- Occurrence in
article Nederlandse
spionnen gaven Britten cruciale hulp tijdens Falklandoorlog in
national newspaper Trouw, 28/5/2019.
- Coverage of Maximator
in The Economist, in
article Maximator,
a European spy pact to rival the Five Eyes, comes to light,
- Occurrence in
article De
spionnenclub waar België niet bij mag in Belgian news
paper De Standaard, 22/5/2020.
- Occurrence in article Cruel paradoxe de la cryptographie
belge: quand la bière Maximator coule la Belgique - à
grands flots...,
in Régional
IT-Wallonie-Bruxelles, 20/5/2020.
- Occurrence in
article Nederlandse
cryptografie besliste loop Falkland-oorlog, in computer
magazine Computable,
- Discussion
of Maximator
spies helped Britain's GCHQ break Argentine crypto during
Falklands War at The Register, 18/5/2020.
- Interview in the
article Het
geheime afluistergenootschap van Maximator bleef vijftig jaar onder
de radar in regional newspaper
De Gelderlander,
26/4/2020. [local
- Live radio
studio discussion
on Maximator, a secret European Sigint alliance, in investigative
journalism radio program
Argos, 11/4/2020,
following the online journal publication. See also coverage
- Interview Zoom: nog nooit zo populair, nog nooit zo veel kritiek, in the
programme BNR Digitaal, BNR Radio, 8/4/2020.
- Occurrence in interview Het euvel van de buurtapp: schimmig type? Nee joh, dat is de buurman about neighbourhood
apps, in newspaper Het Parool, 5/3/2020.
- Occurrence in
article Nederland
luisterde jarenlang landen af dankzij superchip, in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Live radio
studio discussion
on CryptoLeaks: the secret CIA + BND ownership of the Swiss company
Crypto AG, in investigative journalism radio program
Argos, 15/2/2020.
- Live interview about the secret CIA + BND ownership of the Swiss
company Crypto AG, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
13/2/2020, see
version] and background [article].
- Occurrence in
article Pasjes,
pesten en problemen bij de blauwe familie in national
newspapers NRC on 22/1/2020.
- Occurrence in
article Wie
krijgt het losgeld van de Universiteit Maastricht? in regional
newspaper De Limburger,
- Occurrence in
article Kabinet
besluit Huawei te weren uit kern 5G-netwerk, in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Replay of fragment of a Nieuwsuur interview on Huawei and 5G in
satirical news
programme Zondag met Lubach
(starting at 23:30), 3/11/2019.
- Brief occurrence
in Inlichtingendiensten
controleren, hoe doe je dat? in investigative journalism radio
Argos, 19/10/2019.
- Online
article Alibaba
of Irma? in computer
magazine Computable,
based on an IRMA presentation at
the public sector
conference Overheid
360 , 15/10/2019.
- Occurrence in
article Intern
netwerk honderden bedrijven en ministerie lag maandenlang wagenwijd
open about neglected Pulse VPN vulnerabilities, in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Occurrence in article Help, 5G komt eraan in magazine
HP/De Tijd, sept. 2019.
- Occurrence in the
article Nijmeegse
universiteit wil meer invloed in Den Haag in regional newspaper
De Gelderlander,
- Occurrence in
article Hoe
Philips een Nederlandse zaktelex ‘afluisterbaar’
maakte voor de NSA in weekly background info
magazine De Groene
Amsterdammer, nr. 32, 7/8/2019.
- Occurrence in online
article 'Aanvullende
veiligheidsmaatregelen' bij aanleg 5G, positie Huawei
onbekend of NOS, on 1/7/2019.
- Occurrence in
article Kun
je nog met een gerust hart een Huawei-telefoon kopen? En nog negen
vragen over het omstreden Chinese techbedrijf in online
news platform De Correspondent,
- Occurrence in
article De Huawei-wolf vecht terug in national
newspapers NRC on 21/6/2019.
- Occurrence in
article De
Buddy-app: een financiële vriend die helpt bij geldzorgen, of een
digitale snuffelaar in privézaken? in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Live interview
in Reporter
Radio at national news radio station Radio 1 on 19/5/2019 about
openly accessible information in social collaboration software, such
as Trello.
- Live interview about last week's developments with respect to
Huawei, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
17/5/2019, see
- Occurrence in front-page
article Huawei
mogelijk betrokken bij Chinese spionage in Nederland, and also in
article De
dilemma's van telecombedrijven: wat als Huawei in het systeem
zit?, in national newspaper De
Volkskrant, 16/5/2019.
- Occurrence
in Philips,
TextLite en Amerikaanse spionage in investigative journalism radio
Argos, 19/4/2019. Follow-up
in news paper NRC, 19/4/2019.
- Brief occurrence in online
article Het
www is kapot, hoe gaan we het repareren?
of Nieuwsuur, on 8/3/2019.
- Brief occurrence in online
article Huawei
opent 5G-testlab in hart EU, maar of zorgen nu weg zijn is de
vraag of NOS, on
- Occurrence in article Waarom is het erg dat Facebook alles
van ons weet? in national
newspaper Trouw, 28/1/2019.
copy] [local
- Live interview about imposing restrictions on Huawei in The
Netherlands, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
25/1/2019, see
- Occurrence in
article Moet
ook Nederland Huawei in de ban doen bij de aanleg van 5G? in
national newspaper De
Volkskrant, 24/1/2019.
- One-hour long
interview Inloggen
met behoud van privacy? There is an app for that, in the
series De Technoloog, BNR Radio, 13/12/2018.
- Interview on BBC World radio's technology programme
about the recently revealed vulnerabilities in self-encryting
solid state drives (SSDs), on
11/12/2018. [programme
link, starting at 20:40]
- Interview with title IRMA is echt
anders. Privacy-vriendelijk alternatief voor DigiDin
magazine Binnenlands
7/12/2018. [local
- Occurrence in
article De
nieuwe Wehkamp in weekly background info
magazine De Groene
Amsterdammer, nr. 49, 5/12/2018.
- Occurrence in
article In
China gaat de vlag uit, want PSD2 zet hier de datakluis open
in investigative journalism
website Follow the Money,
- Article Baas over je data in weekly magazine Elsevier, on 17/11/2018. [local copy].
- Occurrence in
article Banken moeten bedrijven toelaten tot een goudmijn aan betaalgegevens on PSD2, in national
newspapers NRC
and NRC next on 24/10/2018.
- Occurence in
article Belastingdienst:
het is 'technisch onmogelijk' persoonsgegevens goed te
beveiligen in national
newspaper Trouw, 12/10/2018,
with several follow-up items, for instance
and and
- Online reports
on Tweakers,
on 26 sept. 2018, about
the identity
platform IRMA.
- Occurrence in
an article in regional newspaper
De Gelderlander, in an
online article of regional TV station
Omroep Gelderland,
and also in
an item
on local TV station RN7, on 25
and 26 sept, 2018, all on the new established connection, by
the city of Nijmegen, between the official citizen
registration ("BPR") and
the identity
platform IRMA.
- Studio interview about this
year's Cybersecurity
monitor 2018 by Statistics
Netherlands in the
programme Spraakmakers
on national radio, on 21/9/2018
[link, occurrence just before and after 11:00]
- Live interview on blockchains and identities on national news
radio station BNR Nieuwsradio,
- Occurrence in online
article Waarom
stemmen we in 2030 nog niet elektronisch?, NOS, 10/7/2018.
- Contributed essay Je geld of je data!, together with
Marcel Becker, in weekend supplement Letter en Geest of
national newspaper Trouw, 24/6/2017.
[Online copy] [local pdf copy]
- Occurrence in
article De
online-winkelstraat is voor elke dief een walhalla: daar gaan uw
creditcard- en persoonsgegevens in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Answering questions from the audience about the GDPR on
me Anything, presented by Jörgen Raymann, on national
news radio station BNR
Nieuwsradio, 25/5/2018.
Short interview
on the Dutch government's decision to stop using Kaspersky
antivirus software, RTLNieuws, 14/5/2018.
- Occurrence
in item
on access rights to personal data in investigative journalism
radio program
Argos, 28/4/2018, using
sound fragments from
this video.
- Occurrence in
article Waarom
zou je voor of tegen de Inlichtingenwet stemmen? in national
newspapers NRC
and NRC next on 20/3/2017.
- Occurrence in article Veiligheidsdiensten tappen steeds meer doelwitten af in national
newspaper NRC next on 15/3/2017.
- Interview on international data exchange resulting from new
intelligence law [link with audio clip]
- Podcast interview on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
title Het
woord is aan de Goeroe, on national news radio
station BNR Nieuwsradio,
- Reference in
article Banken
moeten straks je betaalgegevens delen met bedrijven in
national newspapers NRC
and NRC next on 15/2/2017, to a
blog PSD2,
een Europese strategische blunder published earlier in 2017.
- Cited in article Binnen vijf jaar gaat de helft van alle
rechtszaken over online criminaliteit in regional newspaper
De Gelderlander,
6/2/2018. Copied
in article
of national newspaper in Algemeen
Dagblad, 6/2/2018.
- Mentioned in online
article Privacy-prijzen
naar id-app en Sleepwet-studenten on the winning of the
2018 Privacy Awards by the attribute-based identity
platform IRMA,
Computable, 1/2/2018. See also the University's own
- Occurrence in
article Nieuwscafé:
de lessen van Roemer, professor Jacobs over cybercrime,
in regional newspaper
De Gelderlander, 25/1/2018.
- Occurrence in article 'AIVD handelde binnen de wet' in
national newspaper Trouw, 27/1/2018.
- Occurrence in
article Wat
doet de geheime dienst met al die data? on data
processing in intelligence, in investigative journalism
website Follow the Money,
- Occurrence in article Zorgen en ruzie rond Europese
betaalrevolutie about PSD2 in financial
newspaper Financieel Dagblad
13/1/2018 [link].
A quote from this article occurs
in Binnenkort
mogen bedrijven meekijken op onze rekening
in Algemeen Dagblad, 19/1/2018.
- Interview on fraud possibilities with gift cards in consumer TV
programme Kassa on
9/12/2017. [link]
[local copy]. A
fragment of this appeared in that evening's 8 o'clock news.
- Occurrence in
portrait Ronald Prins, 's lands bekendste hackexpert, vindt het tijd voor iets anders in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Occurrence in
article Nepnieuws?
Je moet er de schoonheid van inzien in free national newspaper
Metro, 15/11/2017.
- Occurrence in
article Alle
apparaten zijn straks verbonden. Zie dan maar eens een cyberramp te
voorkomen in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Occurrence in
article Hoe
brute moorden leiden tot een discussie over privacy at
investigative journalism
website Follow the Money,
- Live discussion on PSD2 directive in consumer TV programme
23/10/2017. [item
link] [local video copy; item starts at 22:45]
- Review of the first lecture of my first year cybersecurity
course in independent student
magazine ANS, 32(2),
16/10/2017. [local copy]
Interview ‘Ik
ben een klier maar, een nuttige klier’ at investigative journalism
website Follow the Money,
- Occurrence (at first position as most influential cyber
security expert)
in Wie
is wie in cybersecurity? at investigative journalism
website Follow the Money,
- Brief occurrence
in item
on police tapping in investigative journalism radio program
Argos, 9/9/2017.
- Pre-recorded interview about the proposed new police powers to
break into computers of suspects, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
28/6/2017, see
- Mentioned in online NOS news
article Zeker
vijftien ziekenhuizen geïnfecteerd met ransomware, 25/6/2017.
- Live interview about the Wannacry malware attack, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
13/5/2017, see
version] [local video copy]
- Opinion article Zonder privacy is er geen vrijheid, in
national newspaper Trouw, 22/4/2017.
copy] [locale pdf copy] [originele, iets langere versie, op Netkwesties, of locaal] [slides, in het engels]
- Mentioned in online NOS news
article Studenten
vinden lekken in 'opvolger' DigiD, 24/3/2017.
- Occurence in a historical documentary about the demise of voting
machines in the Netherlands,
in Andere
11/3/2017. [local
video copy]
- Mentioned in a short article in regional newspaper
De Gelderlander, 20/2/2017
about winning
the SURF
Security en Privacy Award 2017.
- Occurrence in front page article Ook het Binnenhof blijkt nu
het doelwit van Russische hackers of national
newspapers NRC
and NRC next on 6/2/2017,
- Short live interview on increasing numbers of cyber attacks,
on RTL Z
Nieuws, 3/2/2017.
- Interviews in documentary Prutsen en pielen zonder
pottenkijkers about failed data protection in data analysis
projects at the Dutch Tax
Office, Zembla,
1/2/2017. [online
- Participation in long online discussion about the new law
for the intelligence services in investigative journalism radio program
Argos, 28/1/2017.
[Argos link]
- Live interview on national news
radio station BNR Nieuwsradio, about
the government's role in the take-over of Fox-It, 24/1/2017.
- Occurrence in artcile Overheid eist invloed bij cyberbeveiliger Fox-IT in national newspaper NRC on 24/1/2017,
and also as Wakker geschrokken na Britse overname in NRC
next on 25/1/2017. [link]
- Contributed essay Kijk uit, nepnieuws!, together with
Marcel Becker, in weekend supplement Letter en Geest of
national newspaper Trouw, 14/1/2017.
[Online copy] [local pdf copy]
- Interview about protection of vulnerabilities of social media accounts of politicians in RTL Nieuws, 12/1/2017.
- Live radio interview about vulnerabilities the political process
in the Netherlands, on national news
radio Radio 1, on 12/1/2017.
- Short live interview on the use of a Dutch Tor server in the hack
of the US Democratic party,
in Met het oog op
Morgen, on national news
radio Radio 1, on 3/1/2017.
- Interview ‘Politieke keuzes over big data in zorgsector
zijn noodzakelijk’ in the scientific
magazine De Helling,
nr. 29/4 dec. 2016, of the
Green Party, on big data in
Healthcare. [link]
- Live interview about possible Russian manipulation of the upcoming
elections in the Netherlands, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
14/12/2016, see
- Occurrence in national evening
news NOS Journaal about the
PEP technology for privacy-friendly
and secure medical research into Parkinson, by RadboudUMC and Verily, 30/9/2016.
copy] [see also the background articles
at NOS
also NOS, Tweakers,
Verily blog]
- Occurrence in national evening
news NOS Journaal about the
internet of things, 22/9/2016.
[online video] [see also the background article]
- Occurrence in
article De autosleutel is niet te vertrouwen in national
newspaper NRC, 17/8/2016 (also
in NRC next, 16/8/2016).
- Short live interview Hackt de Nederlandse overheid ook?
in Met het oog op
Morgen, on national news
radio Radio 1, on 15/6/2016.
- Live interview about Minister Kamp using gmail for his
departmental work mail, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
12/2/2016, see
- Live discussion Telefoons kraken of niet? with
Jaap-Henk Hoepman about the
Apple-FBI case, on Dit is de
dag on national news radio Radio
1, on
29/3/2016. [link]
- Live interview about a proposal to re-introduce voting machines,
by member of parliament Joost Taveerne,
in NOS
Radio 1 Journaal, on national news
radio Radio 1, on 14/3/2016.
- Occurrence in article 'FBI vraagt Apple de sloten minder
veilig te maken' in free
Newspaper Metro, 23/2/16.
- Live interview about phone tapping, in current
affairs TV programme Nieuwsuur,
on 12/2/2016, see
[web version] [local copy]
- Occurrence in article Ex-student boet voor vergeten OV
in national newspaper De
Volkskrant, 5/2/2016. Similar article appeard
in Nederlands Dagblad, 6/2/2016
- Interview in De Nieuws
BV at national news radio station Radio 1 on 7 jan. 2016, about
powers of the intelligence services. [studio video link]
- Occurrence in article Virusvrij het nieuwe jaar in
in newspaper Het Parool, 6 jan. 2016.
- Interview in TV-documentary
of Zembla on tracking via medical
websites and apps, on 9
dec. 2015. [online
link]. See also the preceding twin documentary of the week before
- Interview in
TV-documentary of Brandpunt
Reporter on the hacking of the company ASML, on 29 nov. 2015.
[online link]
- Interview
in NOS
Radio 1 Journaal at national news radio station Radio 1 on 11
nov. 2015, about the idea of banning encryption in message apps.
- Live interview about cybercrime, together with ICT-journalist
Brenno de Winter,
in van
Liempt live on RTLZ, 29 sept. 2015.
- Interview about Megamos vulnerability in Radio
programme De
Kennis van Nu, Radio 5, 14/8/2015, see
item, after 14 min]
- Interview about Megamos car immobiliser vulnerability, in current
affairs TV programme Nieuwsuur,
on 11/8/2015, see
item] and
press release]. This generated a lot of follow-up publicity,
- Interviews 'Vraag om stuurslot' and 'Bedrijf als VW
zet zich ook te kijk' in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
13/8/2015. [local jpg copy, with permission]
- Occurrence in
article Crimineel
zit diep in onze data in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Occurrence in
article Wie
krijgt de sleutel van versleuteling?
by Herbert Blankesteijn on
backdoors in crypto, in national
newspaper NRC, 22/7/15 (also
as Als
de overheid de sleutel wil in NRC
next, 21/7/15).
- Occurrence in
article Wat
gebeurt er als hackers gehackt worden? by Marc Hijink, on the
Hacking Team break-in, in national
newspaper NRC, 10/7/15.
- Interview in investigative journalism radio program
Argos, 6/6/2015.
[Argos link]
- Live interview on national news
radio station BNR Nieuwsradio, 23/4/15
about new research project PQCRYPTO
on post-quantum cryptography.
- Occurrence in
article Wordt
internet een digitale politiestaat? in national newspaper De Volkskrant, 16/4/15.
- Occurrence in review
article `Wij
hebben hackers harder nodig dan zij ons' about
the recent book about `helping
hackers' by Chris van 't Hoff, NRC
Next, 9/4/2015.
- Occurrence in
article Oproep
aan minister: Waarborg privacy, in national
newspaper Trouw, 3/4/2015.
- Interview Follow the Data. In: CSR Magazine 1, published by
the Dutch Cyber Security
Council, p.48-49, April 2015.
- Interview "They respect your privacy just enough to not have you
run away from them" by Gesa van den Broek and Erik de Water, in:
InPress, the magazin of Radboud PhD students. [copy]
- Occurrence in
article Simkaartfabrikant bevestigt: Wij zijn gehackt door de diensten, in national
newspaper Trouw, 25/2/2015.
- Live interview on national news
radio station BNR Nieuwsradio, 20/2/15
about hacking of Gemalto by NSA.
- Occurrence in
article NSA
hackte in Nederland gevestigd simkaartbedrijf in national
newspaper De Volkskrant,
- Live interview about recent hacking events, apparently by IS and
in EenVandaag at
national news radio station Radio 1, 13/1/2015.
- Interview in article Onzichtbaar op het web: het kan nog
in national newspaper NRC, 30/12/14.
Also as frontpage article in NRC next.
- Interview Irma-pasje waakt over Privacy in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
5/12/2014. [page 1] [page 2]
See also follow-up publicity at
and at
- Interview in TV documentary De dood van Amanda Todd, on
the investigations of the Dutch Police to apprehend the suspect of
cyberbullying Amanda Todd,
in Zembla on 4/12/14.
- Short radio interview about protection of wireless bank cards
in Dit is de dag on national news
radio Radio 1 on 1 dec. 2014.
- Interview about protection of school children's performance data
in RTL Nieuws, 25 nov. 2014, see
the video
or the web reports
(on 25
nov and
on 4
- Review of the
book When
Google met Wikileaks in radio program
Argos, 8/11/2014.
[Argos link] [local audio clip]
- Interview about a
large cyberattack
exercise on the website of RTL
Nieuws on 29/10/2014.
- Occurrence in an item about easy manipulation of e-tickets for trains,
in national news
program RTL4
Nieuws on
- Interview with
title Cyberoorlog
en de controlestaat in regional
paper De Limburger, 16
sept. 2014.
- Occurrence in
article Privacy
is commercieel interessant on Vox
Online, the online magazine of the Radboud University, 12/9/2014.
- Occurrence in national evening news NOS Journaal about privacy and
security issues in smart homes, 6/9/2014 [item]
- Occurrence in article De ambtenaar legt je strafblad op de printer in het stadhuis, in national
newspaper NRC, 18/8/14.
- Live discussion (with Jasper Bakker) about the many unprotected
devices connected to the internet
in Reporter Radio at
national news radio station Radio 1, 11/5/2014.
audio clip]
- Live interview about passwords and biometry
in EenVandaag at
national news radio station Radio 1, 22/4/2014.
- Occurrence in article Zet ING met proef privacy op het
spel? in national
newspaper Trouw, 11/3/2014.
- Long interview on intelligence in investigative journalism radio
Argos, 8/3/2014.
[Argos link] [local audio clip]
- Occurence in article 'Nieuwe spionagewet bij voorbaat
achterhaald', in national
newspaper Volkskrant, 6/3/2014.
See also the
underlying essay Gerichtheid
moet in het DNA van inlichtingendiensten zitten.
- Occurrence in article Weg met de wachtwoordchaos in
national newspaper Trouw, 5/3/2014.
- Long interview about privacy and intelligence in Radio
programme De
Kennis van Nu, Radio 5, 7/2/2014, see
audio clip]
- Short interview about data collection by Dutch Military
intelligence, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
5/2/2014, see
- Occurrence in article De politie kan meekijken over je
schouder in national
newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, 28/1/2014.
Also in Leeuwarder Courant, 30/1/2014.
- Occurrence in article Mens wil wereld-problemen niet op
schouders nemen in Nederlands
Dagblad, 21/12/13.
- Occurrence in article Nieuwe online identiteit voor
burger, in national
newspaper NRC, 19/12/13. Reprinted the
next day in NRC next, as Één inlogcode voor alles, yes!
Maar niet nu.
- Occurrence in editorial Gebrekkig toezicht op AIVD is
zorgelijker dan het sleepnet in national
newspaper Trouw, 4/12/2013.
- Occurrence in
article Verzet
tegen ongebreidelde webspionage in
newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad
on 2/12/13. Also printed in Leeuwarder Courant.
- Occurence in frontpage article AIVD hackt nu al zoals het
straks mag, in national
newspaper Volkskrant, 2/12/13.
- Live interview about Dutch intelligence agencies hacking into
jihadist web forums, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
30/11/2013, see
video clip]
- Occurrence in article We weten bar weinig van de
afluisterpraktijken in Nederland, in national
newspaper Trouw, 25/11/2013.
- Occurrence in article Controle over eigen gegevens bij DigiD-pas
in regional newspapers BN/DeStem and
De Gelderlander, 23/11/2013.
- Short interview in an item about the NRC publications on Snowden,
in national news
program RTL4
Nieuws on
23/11/2013. [item
link] [video
- Short interview on "Snowden" in investigative journalism radio
Argos, 9/11/2013.
[Argos link] [local audio clip]
- Occurrence in article Knopen in het internet, in
national newspaper NRC next,
5/11/13. Reprinted the next day in NRC.
- Occurrence in article Radboud ontwikkelt onkraakbare
DigiD-chip, in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
2/11/2013 [article link]
- Opinion article Digitaal tafelzilver beter beveiligen tegen
afluisteren in national
newspaper Trouw, 30/10/2013.
This opinion article is based on a topical lecture (in Dutch) about
the Snowden affair, on 29/10/2013, see
the YouTube
- Participation in round table discussion
in Dit
is de Dag on national news
station Radio 1, about the
IRMA card, on 28/10/2013.
[local video clip]
- Occurrence in front page article Nieuw DigiD ligt nu al op
crashkoers in national
newspaper De Telegraaf,
28/10/2013. It gave rise to a lot of follow-up publicity, see e.g. the
ICT-magazines Automatiseringgids
- Occurrence in article Explosieve stijging van cyberaanvallen
on newly released cyber attack figures, in in national
newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, 28/10/13.
- Live interview on NSA's eavesdropping, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
21/10/2013, see
- Kettingbrief interview in science
programme Hoe?Zo!, on national
public radio, 21/10/21.
- Long interview on the newly proposed "lawful computer intrusion"
powers for the police, in investigative journalism radio program
Argos, 19/10/2013.
[Argos link]
[local audio clip]
- Occurrence in online
article Gouden
tijden online beveiligers, 18/10/2013.
- Occurrence in article Mailen gaat vaak via de VS in
national newspaper NRC next,
7/10/13. Reprinted the next day in NRC.
- Article Laat weten wat je monitort. In
FD Outlook to financial
newspaper Financieel
Dagblad, sept. 2013, p. 36-37.
- Interview `In de afweging tussen functionaliteit en privacy
legt privacy het altijd af'. In: Surf Magazine,
sept. 2013, p.4-6. [local copy]
- Interview
in Digitale
veiligheid in de praktijk, in
Magazine Arts en Auto,
sept. 2013, p.24-25.
- Interview about the recent fraud figures from the national bank
association NVB showing declining
losses from attacks on internet banking and skimming, on national news
radio station BNR Nieuwsradio, 5/9/13.
[audio clip]
- Occurrence in article Als de digitale bom valt... by Ed
Croonenberg in New Scientist
(Dutch version), Sept. 2013, p.22-27. [local copy]
- Occurrence in item about electronic voting in TV news
programme Een Vandaag, on
23/8/2013. [link]
- Short interview in an item about stealth SMS, in national news
program RTL4
Nieuws on 19/9/2013.
- Occurrence in article `Nieuwe chip maakt auto doelwit'
In: Technisch Weekblad,
june 2013.
[online copy] [discussion at GeenStijl]
- Interview about the big international fraud case with prepaid
debit cards, on national news radio
station BNR Nieuwsradio, 10/5/13.
- Occurrence in article Computerbeveiligers spelen in op onrust
na cyberaanval,
NRC, 4/5/2013.
- Occurrence in article Vrij spel hackers,
Leidsch Dagblad, 3/5/2013.
- Occurrence in article Experts voor strenge regels als politie
Het Financieele Dagblad, 3/5/2013.
- Occurrence in article Kritiek op maatregelen tegen
De Telgraaf, 2/5/2013
- Interview about the new plans to give the Dutch police the right
to hack computers in criminal investigations, on national news radio
station BNR Nieuwsradio, 2/5/13.
- Live interview on recent DDOS attacks in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
25/4/2013, see
- Occurrence in article Wat is bullshit, en wat is de echte
dreiging, in national
newspaper NRC, 23/4/2013.
- Interview about the outcome of the meeting between ministers
Opstelten and Dijsselbloem and the banks, about recent DDOS attacks,
on national news radio station BNR
Nieuwsradio, 15/4/13.
- Interview about the planned new electronic identity (eID) in The
Netherlands, on national news radio
station BNR Nieuwsradio, 11/4/13.
- Live interview on recent DDOS attacks in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
10/4/2013, see
[web item] [local
- Interview in Radio 1
Journaal on national news
station Radio 1 about the seized
data from a command-and-control server of the Pobelka botnet,
on 15/2/2013, 7:45. [link]
- Interview in science
programme Hoe?Zo!, on national
public radio, 4/2//2012.
- Interview in item on vulnerability in Solcon modems, on
[link, local copy].
- Short interview in an item about a DigiD interruption, in national news
program RTL4
Nieuws on 10/1/2013.
- Occurrence in article Jacobs, Franke en Bolt mediatoppers
Radboud in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
8/1/2013, see also
the university
press announcement.
- Interview in actuality
program Editie NL on national
TV, about privacy and security aspects of snapchat, 7/1/2013
- Live interview in consumer
programme Kassa on public
television, about identity fraud and
the IRMA project (using
attributes instead of identities), 22/12/2012
- Extensive interview on hacking by the police in national
newspaper NRC, 6/12/2012. [Original
pages: front
page, inside].
- Live interview about electronic patient files, on national news
station Radio 1, 29/11/12
[audio clip].
- Occurrence in article about the security breach in the Groene
Hart Hospital, in national
newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, 28/11/12.
- Interview in newsitem season 4, episode 10 of Nijmegen University's Campus in Beeld video registrations, 13/11/2012,
see also at YouTube.
- Occurrence in
article Hoofdpijndossier,
in weekly magazine Vrij Nederland, 8
nov. 2012.
[local copy]
- Occurrence in article Hoe internet bepaalt wie wij zijn en worden
in Nederlands Dagblad and
Noord Hollands
Dagblad by Frits Bloemendaal, 3/11/12. This also appeared
as: Facebook bepaalt wie in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
- Interview on payment with wireless bankcards, on national news
station Radio 1, 1/11/12.
- Occurence in article 'SNMP-lek mogelijk vele malen groter dan
affaire-DigiNotar', in national
newspaper Volkskrant, 1/11/12.
- Interview on local TV
station RTV Nijmegen on the
new Cyber Security
Backelor in Nijmegen, 31/10/12.
- Interview in daily radio
programme Knooppunt
Kranenbarg on the the latest fraud figures in e-banking,
- Occurrence in item on the Haren riots and the role of social
media, in current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
24/9/2012, see
the whole
- Long interview in science
programme Hoe?Zo!, on national
public radio, 17/9//2012.
mp3 copy]
- Interview in newspaper article Digitale oorlog kent geen
vroomheid, in Nederlands Dagblad
and De Stentor, 17/9/2012; also
published as In digitale oorlogvoering mag alles in
Haarlems Dagblad, 19/9/2012.
- Occurrence in article Een virus voor en door amateurs on
the Dorifel virus, in regional
newspaper De Limburger, 18/8/2012.
[local copy]
- Occurrence in article Verkiezingen via internet lijken ver weg,
Eindhovens Dagblad, 10/8/2012.
- Occurrence in article Digitale Weerbaarheid blijft
fragiel, front page of national
newspaper NRC, 10/8/2012.
- Occurrence in item on weaknesses in car key transponders, in
current affairs TV
programme Nieuwsuur, on
see item
at Nieuwsuur, or
the whole
programme. This news item has given to lots of follow-up
publicity. It is based on
a publication
at the USENIX 2012 security symposium.
- Interview voting computers, on national news radio
station BNR Nieuwsradio, 24/4/12.
- Interview in TV documentary Verzuimpolitie II, on
the SQL-injection vulnerability of a large medical database,
in Zembla on 20/4/12.
This programme generated a lot of publicity in other media.
- Interview in TV news
programme Een Vandaag, about
computer security in general and hacking voicemails in particular, on 17/4/12.
- Interview Jagen op hackers bevordert slechte beveiliging in
weekly Computer newspaper Automatisering Gids
nr. 7, 2012.
[local copy]
- Interview in TV news
programme Een Vandaag, about
ING bank forgetting to check ssl-certificates in its mobile banking
app, on 21/3/12.
[local copy]
- Interview 'Bankieren veel veiliger dan vroeger' in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
- Interview in TV news
programme Een Vandaag, about
e-banking fraud, on 29/2/12.
- Interview
in Buitenhof, the
sunday morning discussion programme on national public television,
about cybersecurity, on 19/2/12.
This interview resulted in some follow-up publicity,
on and in the Volkskrant.
- Interview 'Gehackt bedrijf boete opleggen' in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
- Interview `Bedrijven denken te licht over beveiligen',
de Telegraaf,
14/2/12. Copied in many other (online) media,
like NU
Zakelijk, for instance.
- Occurrence in article Overheid wil één vuist
tegen cybercrime, in national
newspaper Volkskrant, 12/1/12.
- Occurrence in article Hackers willen lekken anoniem kunnen
melden, in national
newspaper Volkskrant, 12/1/12.
- Interview Internet zorgwekkend onveilig in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
[text as picture]
- Occurrence in article Chips of de weg, weekly news
magazine Elsevier, 26/11/2011.
- Coverage of presentation WikiLeaks Mijnen at the
Legebeke Legaat session of the VVOJ meeting,
20/11/2011, in investigative journalism radio program
Argos, 26/11/2011.
[audio clip]
- Interview `Niemenad kan grote ICT-projecten managen',
by Herbert Blankesteijn in
popular science magazine NWT,
nov. 2011. [interview
- Frontpage photo and article Radboud-'nerds' dichten ov-chipkaart
in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, 7/10/11.
- Interview on the Netherlands Radio World Service
(Wereldomroep) about
cloud computing, on 26/9/11. [link,
- Short interview in an item about the DigiNotar certificate
crisis, in national news
program RTL4
Nieuws on 7/9/11.
- Participation in round table discussion
in Dit is de Dag on national
news station Radio 1, about the
DigiNotar certificate crisis,
7/9/2011. [Audio
of the whole
programme, video
of the DigiNotar fragment.]
- Occurrence in article De geheimen van een supertapper,
weekly magazine Vrij Nederland nr. 32,
p.18-23. [link,
local copy]
- Online
interview Wie
zit(ten) er achter de cyberaanval op de VS?, NOS op 3, 15/7/2011.
- Occurrence in article Illegaal opladen gaat door. In
free daily newspaper Spits,
p.3, 7/7/11
[link, local
- Opinion
KPN moet zich niet bemoeien met hoe u berichtjes verstuurt, in
national newspaper NRC, 17/5/11.
- Occurrence in article Erop of eronder voor EPD in
weekly Computer newspaper Automatisering Gids
nr. 12 on 25/3/11.
Letter De
Eerste Kamer moet juist voor het EPD stemmen, in national
newspaper NRC next, 14/3/11.
- Occurrence in announcement Hoogleraar showt hack
ov-kaart. Bart Jacobs, hoogleraar Computerveiligheid en Ybo Buruma,
hoogleraar Strafrecht, in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, 2/3/11.
- Occurrence in article Internet kan plat in geval van crisis
in Newspaper Metro, 3/1/11.
- Occurrence in article Achterdocht tegen aanhang about
screening of visitors to PVV party meetings, both
in NRC Handelsblad
and NRC next, 24/2/11.
- Short interview in an item about the National Cyber Security
Strategy, in national news
program RTL4
Nieuws on 22/2/11.
- Occurrence in article Vrij internet in Egypte Dan ook in de
VS!, national
newspaper Volkskrant, 17/2/11.
[link, local
- TV-interview on RTL Z
Nieuws on a new law regulating Automatic Number Plate Recognition
(ANPR) by the police, 11/1/2011.
- Interview in an item about the web attacks in the wikileaks
context, in national news
program RTL4
Nieuws on 8/12/10.
- Interview about a OV-chip hacker in court, on national news radio
station BNR Nieuwsradio, 8/12/09.
- Occurrence in short article Kraak OV-chipkaart, national
newspaper Volkskrant, 6/11/10.
- Interview in an item about
the INDECT project, in
national news
program RTL4
Nieuws on 16/10/10.
- Short interview in morning news
show Ochtendspits
on national TV station Nederland 1, about the ov-chipcard, on 5/10/10
- Interview at about
a joint
protest letter against internet censorship, on national news radio
station BNR Nieuwsradio, 2/10/09.
- Interview in consumer programme Kassa Radio on national news
station Radio 1, about cloud
computing, on 1/7/10 (audio
- Occurrence in article Elektrameter kwetsbaar, national
newspaper Volkskrant, 19/05/10.
- Occurrence in article Privacy lessen voor technici, in
Science supplement of national newspaper
NRC Handelsblad, 1/5/10.
- Occurrence in article Vingerafdruk niet veilig bij
gemeentein (free) newspaper De
Pers, on 28/1/10 (copy).
- Occurrence in article Senaat houdt twijfels bij
patiëntendossier in national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, 31/03/10
- Interview on programme Dit
is de dag on national news station Radio 1, about storing biometric
pasport data, on 22/03/10.
- Extended interview in science programma Labyrint on national
TV, about RFID chips, on 17/3/10, see also
online version.
- Interview in news programme Lunch! on national news
station Radio 1, about the
central storage of finger prints, on 16/2/10
- Interview in science programme Hoe?Zo! on national Radio 5 together with
Henk van Tilborg, on identity fraud and
privacy, on 9/2/10 (audio
clip part 1, audio
clip part 2).
- Interview in consumer programme Kassa Radio on national news
station Radio 1, about the Big Brother Awards, on
4/2/10 (audio
- Opinion article Moeten
we echt alles opslaan?, in national newspaper NRC next, 3/2/10.
- Occurrence in article Hé, waar is die camera
voor?in (free) newspaper De
Pers, on 28/1/10 (copy).
- Short interview on Nieuwslijn,
the English news programme of the (Dutch) world radio service, about
the vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer exploited by Chinese hackers,
- Occurrence in article `Bijna alle passen vroeg of laat gekraakt'
in newspaper Nederlands Dagblad, 17/12/09.
- Interview for regional TV station TV
Limburg about the EMV
relay attacks by Saar Drimer and Steven Murdoch, on 16/12/09 (local
copy). Similar interviews appeared on national TV, in RTL Z Nieuws and Editie NL.
- Live discussion with parliament member Marleen de Pater on
privacy issues in the consumer program Hallo
Gelderland on regional TV station TV Gelderland, 26/11/09
- Interview about electronic patient files (EPD) in
national news program RTL4
Nieuws on 26/11/09.
- Occurrence in news
item on road pricing. Current affairs TV-program Netwerk, 18/11/09 (local
- Occurrence in article Nog genoeg valkuilen over voor
invoering, on road pricing, in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, 17/11/09.
- Interview in consumer programme Kassa Radio on national news
station Radio 1, about smart
electricity meters, on 7/10/09.
- Occurrence in article Actiegroep tegen stemmenprinter,
on new voting machines, in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, 6/10/09.
- Interview on ICT-issues in the financial sector at national news
radio station BNR Nieuwsradio, 2/10/09.
- Occurrence in article Misbruik
van gegevens wordt straks een eitje on privacy concerns in (free)
newspaper De Pers, on 24/9/09.
- Occurrence in news
item on extended validation certificates for websites. Current
affairs TV-program Netwerk,
- Occurrence in news item on
biometric passports, the governments eagerness to blanketly collect
and store personal information, and the naivety of the general public.
Current affairs TV-program Netwerk, 26/6/09,
[movie clip].
- Opinion article We
vallen ten prooi aan Europese opslaghysterie, on data retention in
national newspaper Trouw, 26/6/09.
- Opinion article Sla
vingerafdruk niet centraal op, on central storage of biometric
data, in national newspaper Volkskrant (Forum), 26/6/09.
- Occurrence in item
on manipulated USB sticks in current affairs TV-program NOVA, 24/6/09,
[movie clip].
- Interview in Radio 1
Journaal, on national news station Radio 1, about a central database of
everyone's biometric data (with suggestion to build in a bomb in case
the wrong powers take over), on 25/06/09. (audio
- Occurrence in article Overstap naar OV-chipkaart, in
regional newspaper De
Gelderlander, 12/6/09.
- Occurrence in article Na onderzoek nog geen inzicht in kosten ov-chip in national newspaper Trouw, on 9/06/09.
- Occurrence in article Banken gaan magneetpas versneld
vervangen, national newspaper Volkskrant, 19/05/09.
- Interview in science programme Hoe?Zo! on national Radio 5 about skimming of bank cards, on
- Interview in Radio 1
Journaal, on national news station Radio 1, about skimming of bank cards,
on 18/05/09.
- Interview in Radio 1
Journaal, on national news station Radio 1, about the sudden decision of
the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) that a
finanical certification of the OV-chip public transport card is no
longer needed, on 7/5/09 (audio
- Occurrence in article De rechter neemt huiverend een stapje
in de moderne tijd in national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, 27/04/09.
- Occurrence in article Nederland is een paradijs voor
bankpasskimmers in national newspaper Financieel Dagblad, 17/4/09.
- Occurrence in article U heeft saldotekort, veertien vragen
over de ov-chipkaart, national newspaper
NRC next, 29/1/09.
- Occurrence in article 'Controle op fraude werkt ook
niet', in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, 29/1/09.
- Interview in item RTV
Rijnmond reist dagenlang met gekraakte OV-chipkaart about 1-cent
top-up of ov-chipcard, on regional TV-station
RTV Rijnmond, 28/1/09
- Interview in Goedemorgen Nederland,
breakfast talkshow on national public telivision, about the
ov-chipcard, on 28/1/09 (archive).
- Occurrence in article Nieuw patiëntendossier onveilig
in newspaper Nederlands Dagblad, 20/1/09.
- Occurrence in article Patiëntendossier is niet
privacy-veilig in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, 20/1/09.
- Occurrence in discussion Openbaar
Schaamhaar about Electronic Patient Health Records (also with
Karin Spaink, Dick Beens, Ab Klink), in Nijmegen Student Magazine ANS, jan. 09 (local
- Occurrence in article Wie zijn vinger geeft... about
fingerprints in biometric passports and central storage of these
biometrics, in regional newspapers De Gelderlander and Eindhovens Dagblad, 16/1/09.
- Interview at regional radio station Radio Gelderland after
winning the university media prize 2008.
- Occurrence in article Experts
breken lans voor privacy in architectuur kilometerheffing in
weekly Computer newspaper Automatisering Gids
nr. 51 on 19/12/08 (local copy).
- Article
Hackers Test the Right To Expose Security Concerns by Adrian Cho
in Science, Vol 322, Issue
5906, p.1322-1323, 28/11/2008 (local
- Interview in TV documentary Wij weten alles van
u of Zembla on 9/11/08.
- Occurrence in article Hoe
meer dossiers, hoe meer lekt in newspaper Nederlands Dagblad, 8/11/08 (local
- Interview in BBC world's radio programme Europe
Today about voting machines ("The Netherlands is early adopter but
also early abolisher") on 28/10/08 (audio
- Interview by Australian webjournalist Patrick Gray of Risky Business in his special about
public transport cards, on 25/9/08 (audio
- Occurrence in TV item on BBC world's technology programme Click,
9/10/08, about the Mifare
Classic smart card vulnerabilities (BBC's
video archive or local video
- Occurrence in article Oyster
card hack details revealed, by Peter Price, BBC News/Click, 6/10/08.
- Interview In essentie draait beveiliging om het reguleren van
de toegang tot waardevolle gegevens, by Jeroen van der Lugt en
Gerda Mensink in SynthesHis,
7(3), okt. 2008, a professional journal for medical practioners (GPs) and
ICT. [online copy, local copy].
- Interview Overheid had OV-chipkaart meer moeten sturen
in Computable,
18/9/08 (local
- Occurrence in article Jagen
op de onnozele consument in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, on 16/08/08 (local
- Occurrence in article Webdieven
steeds gehaaider in newspaper Nederlands
Dagblad, 15/8/08 (local
- Occurrence in press item Fare's
fair for hackers? on the webpage of the scientific journal
Nature, 15/8/08, by Daniel Cressey.
- Interview in 5 o'clock TV news bulletin of British ITV London, 21/7/08 (the clip
is online, but can only be viewed with Internet Explorer).
- Occurrence in Associated Press
article Dutch
Court: NXP's smart card code can be released, for instance at MSN
money or Forbes,
- Occurrence in article Details
of Oyster card hack to be made public, in: The
Times, 21/7/08.
- Occurrence in article Oyster card hack to be published at BBC News technology website, 21/7/08.
- Occurrence in article Publicatie over kraak ov-chip toegestaan
in Financieel Dagblad, 19/7/08.
- Occurrence in article NXP
klaagt krakers draadloze ov-chip aan in regional newspaper Eindhovens Dagblad, 8/7/08.
- Occurrence in article Universiteit wil niet zwijgen over chip
in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, on 8/07/08.
- Occurrence in article Has London's Oyster travelcard system been cracked?,
in The Guardian, 26/6/08.
- Occurrence in article Alert
over security as researchers show Oyster card can be cracked with
laptop, in: The
Times, 21/6/08.
- Occurrence in item Dutch launch open-source smart card software project
on Networkworld, 20/6/08.
- Interviews at regional radio station Radio Gelderland and
TV station TV Gelderland
on the NLnet sponsored research
programme for a design and open source implementation of
privacy friendly and secure smart card for public transport,
- Occurrence in article Dutch boffins work on open sauce smart card (sic!)
in The Inquirer, 19/06/08.
- Interview in national evening news NOS Journaal (at 18.00 and 20.00)
about experiments in a Albert Heijn supermarket with customer
payments via fingerprints, 17/06/08.
- Occurrence in background article De
Jongens van Jacobs. In: Radboud
Magazine, p.22-24, june 2008, by: Ilse Schuurmans.
- Participation in live discussion on data retention in De
Peiling on regional radio station Radio Noord Holland on 26/5/08.
- Interview `Wij
maken het niet kapot, nee, het is kapot en wij laten dat zien' in
magazine Bits & Chips, 16/05/08.
- Occurrence in column Professor
Campina by Frank
Kuitenbrouwer in weekly magazine HP/de Tijd on 18/04/08.
- Occurrence in background article `We
hacken om de boeven voor te blijven' in supplement ``De
Verdieping'' of national newspaper Trouw, on 14/04/08.
- Occurrence in article
ov-chipkaart kinderspel, national newspaper Volkskrant, 14/04/08.
- Occurrence in article Invoering
OV-chip in 2009 onzeker in newspaper Nederlands Dagblad, 14/4/08 (local
- Occurrence in article De
schokgolf na de ontmanteling by Paul van den Broek in Nijmegen
university magazine Vox, 3/4/08.
- Opinion article Vrijwillig op weg naar politiestaat on data retention in national
newspaper NRC Handelsblad, 2/04/08.
- Occurrence in article Radboud kraakt chip toegangspas
in newspaper Reformatorisch
Dagblad on 14/03/08.
- Occurrence in article Oyster card cloning fears in London's Evening Standard News Paper, 14/03/08.
- Occurrence in frontpage article Toegangspasjes gekraakt and
further article Technologie toont haar kwetsbare zijde in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, on 13/03/08.
- Occurrence in editorial comment
(hoofdartikel, © NRC) Waar gaan we naartoe? in national
newspaper NRC Handelsblad, 13/03/08.
- Occurrence in article Niet iedere
crimineel heeft kraakkennis in national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on 13/03/08.
- Occurrence in article Kraken chippas is nog geheim in newspaper Het Parool, on 13/3/08.
- Media wave on 12/3/08 about dismantling of Mifare Classic card,
following press
release: national news (RTL 4
Nieuws, 18.00 and 19.30; NOS
Journaal, 18.00 and 20.00), RTV Gelderland, BNR Nieuwsradio, Radio 1
Journaal, NOS
Radio 1 Met het Oog Op Morgen.
- Occurrence in article 'Fraude
met die kaart is fluitje van een cent' in newspaper Het Parool, on 11/3/08.
- Occurrence in article Uitgegeven OV-chipkaart
vervangen in regional newspaper De Gelderlander, on 11/3/08.
- Occurrence in article Duitse
experts: Laptop kraakt ov-chip in paar minuten in national
newspaper Trouw, on 11/3/08. See
also a related article OV-chipkaart definitief
gekraakt from Webwereld.
- Occurrence in article Digitale Dieven by Dimitri Tokmetzis, in
national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on
- Occurrence in article Rode stemknop wordt wellicht blauwe
printknop in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
on 22/2/08.
- Occurrence in article Waarschuwing
voor complexheid systeem in Financieel
Dagblad, on 5/2/08.
- Interview in Radio 2 programme 2 in de foyer on 4/2/08 about
privacy issues.
- Occurrence in article Privacyprobleem
zit in zaken die je niet kunt zien in national newspaper Trouw, on 4/2/08, about the meeting Het Glazen Lichaam.
- Occurrence in article Bank
sluit klant met `onveilige' PC af in national newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, 1/2/08.
- Occurrence in article Reconstructie
van een chipkraak by Alex van der Hulst in Nijmegen university
magazine Vox, 31/1/08.
- Interview in news item privacy aspects of road pricing in
national news program RTL4
Nieuws on 30/01/08.
- Occurrence in article ANWB
bezorgd over misbruik gegevens in national newspaper Het Parool, on 25/1/08.
- Brief occurrence in news item on emulation of throw-away public
transport chipcard by computer science student Roel Verdult (of
Radboud University Nijmegen), in national news program RTL4
Nieuws on 14/01/08 (see the video).
- Occurrence in article Hoe
men een OV-chip bijna kraakt, Science Supplement of national
newspaper: Volkskrant,
- Occurrence in articles OV-chip
wordt hoe dan ook gekraakt by Jos Verlaan and 86
miljard rfid-chips over 15 jaar by Marie-Jose Klaver, in
national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on
- Occurrence in article Computerexperts:
Pas ov-chipkaart aan in national newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, 9/1/08.
- Interview in news item on weaknesses in mifare chipcards uncovered
by Nohl en Plötz in national news program RTL4
Nieuws on 8/01/08.
- Occurrence in article "Internetbankieren niet veilig"
in newspaper Reformatorisch
Dagblad on 2/1/08.
- Occurrence in article De
chip die alles laat zien by Vincent Dekker in national newspaper
Trouw, on 21/12/07.
- Occurrence in two articles Adressen
makkelijk te achterhalen (opening article, frontpage), and also Met
zijn allen meekijken in de medische kaartenbak by Wouter Bax en
Vincent Dekker in national newspaper Trouw, on 12/12/07.
See also at The Register.
- Long interview on vulnerabilities in internet banking in Radio Online at national news
radio station Radio 1 on 11/12/07, following the discussion at the Cycris / ECP.NL cybercrime meeting of 6/12/07, as
reported at
- Occurrence in opening article 'Privacy kilometerheffing goed regelen' by Herman Staal, in
national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on
- Interview in the radio programme De elektronische eeuw by Herbert Blankesteijn about
voting, on 30/11/2007.
- Occurrence in article Mens is
zwakste schakel bij databeveiliging by Marie-Jose Klaver, in
national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on
- Live discussion on Radio 5 in the programme Desmet Live about privacy issues
with Jacob
Kohnstamm, chairmen of the dutch data protection authority (CBP), on 7 nov. 2007, 19:30.
- Occurrence in article Imagoschade voor bedrijven by Oscar Vermeer, in
national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on
- Live interview in Radio 1
Journaal on national news radio station Radio 1, 5 nov. 2007, 12:00,
about the GPD-SZW affair.
- Discussion on Friday, nov. 2, 2007, in the consumer program Hallo
Gelderland on regional TV station TV Gelderland, on consumer
responsabilities in internetbanking and using cash machines.
- Occurence in article `Garantie
op veiligheid back-updiensten' by Dinant Dorsthorst in magazine Ondernemen!, okt. 2007.
- Occurrence in "lex & libertas" column
AIVD mag stofzuigeren naar persoonsgegevens by
Frank Kuitenbrouwer, in national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on 16/10/2007.
- Occurrence in frontpage article Elke
burger een eigen website bij de overheid, in national newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on 8/10/2007.
- Readers letter Vertrouw
op het high-techpotlood, together with F. Korthals
Altes, in national newspaper NRC
Handelsblad, on 3/10/2007
- Short invited opinion
on the reliability of Wikipedia
in newspaper Reformatorisch
Dagblad on 8/9/07.
- Interview on privacy issues at national news radio station BNR Nieuwsradio within their
"do-it-yourself ICT-day" on 15/05/07, 12:34 (mp3).
- Occurrence in two articles Stemwijzer
belooft data deelnemers te wissen and Stemwijzer
- Hackers: 1-0 in national newspaper: Volkskrant, 5/05/07.
- Interview in item on bank card fraud (with PIN and magnetic stripe)
in consumer programme Opgelicht
on national public television, 27/3/07.
- Occurrence in article
Internet is bijna niet plat te leggen in regional
newspaper De Stentor, on 13/03/2007.
- Opinion article Raar
dat stemhulp alles van u weet, together with
Wouter Teepe, in
national newspaper: Volkskrant, 5/03/07.
As a result of this article the national privacy commissioner (College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens)
has decided to start an investigation into the privacy management of
the voting advice site Stemwijzer,
see for instance this news
- Interview How smart is a smartcard anyway? on Dutch radio program of SBS australia,
19/2/2007 (mp3)
- Interview at regional radio station Radio Gelderland on
the book De Menselijke Maat in ICT, on 9/2/2007
with a cold).
- Occurrence in article
Na vingerafdruk kan asielzoeker weer naar huis in national
newspaper NRC Handelsblad, on 6/02/2007
by Marjolein van Diggelen.
- Review Ons
Veiligheidscommunisme (of the book De Menselijke Maat in ICT)
in the science supplement of the national newspaper De Volkskrant by Michael Persson,
on 27/1/2007.
- Interview at regional radio station Radio Gelderland on
membership of the committee Herinrichting Stemproces, on 24/1/2007.
- Occurrence in article Nederlands
Paspoort Relatief Veilig in weekly computer magazine Computable, p.3, 12/1/07.
- Interview `Biometrie
ongeschikt voor identificatie' in weekly computer magazine Computable, p.25, 12/1/07.
- Interview Spanning
tussen privacy en veiligheid is vals in ISC magazine Discover,
winter 2006.
- Interview in science programme Hoe?Zo! on national Radio 5 about internet voting, on
22/11/06 (NL parliament election day). The stream
is available online.
- Occurrence in article `Stemmen
met twee machines' in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander,
on 4/11/06.
- Occurrence in article 'Stemmen
moet in alle vrijheid' in regional newspaper Eindhovens Dagblad,
- Occurrence in article
slaagt in opzet: deel stemcomputers weg in national newpaper Trouw, on 31/10/06.
- Occurrences in two articles Hoe
veilig is digitale identiteit? and Internetstemmen
met DigiD-code; DigiD kan webstemmen mogelijk maken. Er is veel
weerstand in regional newspaper Eindhovens Dagblad,
- Occurrence in editorial comment
(hoofdartikel, © NRC) Stemcomputers in national
newspaper NRC Handelsblad (see their
own site),
- Occurrence in article Creatief
met stemcomputers in national newspaper De Volkskrant, on 14/10/06.
- Opinion article Stemcomputer
vraagt om fraude in national newspaper NRC Handelsblad (and also in the
companion paper,
- Occurrence in item on voting computers in news programme Een Vandaag on national TV (video
link), on 4/10/06, based on the deconstruction/reconfiguration of
a Nedap/Groenendaal voting computer by the group we-don't-trust-voting-computers.
- Interview Hoe veilig
is het biometrisch paspoort? in university magazine B For You for high school
students, okt. 2006.
- Two short interviews on national news radio station BNR Nieuwsradio on the introduction of
the biometric passport. 26 and 28 aug. 2006.
- Occurrence in article Nieuw
paspoort stelt weinig voor in national newspaper Algemeen Dagblad page 4, 26/8/06.
- Occurrence in article Te
Wapen Tegen Terreur in newspaper
Reformatorisch Dagblad on 15/8/06.
- Long interview on the biometric passport in Radio Online at national news
radio station Radio 1 on 8 aug. 2006 (mp3,
5 MB).
- Short interview on national news radio station BNR Nieuwsradio on the biometric passport, 6 aug. 2006.
- Interview in newsitem about the biometric passport and a possible
central database of biometric data, together with Jacob
Kohnstamm (chairman national data protection authority CBP) and Joris van Hoboken (from Bits of Freedom) on the Netherlands Radio
Worldservice (Wereldomroep),
4 aug. 2006 (mp3,
15 MB).
- Occurrence in article Twijfels over
veiligheid nieuw paspoort in magazine PM, nr. 8, 27/4/06, p.9.
- Interview on the biometric passport in national breakfast
radio show ontbijtradio
on 24/4/06.
- Occurrence in article
Burger Gevangen in Bits in newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad on 8/4/06.
- Occurrence in article Meer
interesse voor onderzoek in weekly computer magazine Computable (nr. 11, 17/3/06).
- Occurrence in article Waarschuwingen
tegen paspoort-databank in weekly computer magazine Computable (nr. 10, 10/3/06).
- Opinion article Biometrische
gegevens horen niet in Databank in national newspaper Volkskrant, 28/2/06.
- Occurrence in Niederlande
speichern biometrische Daten aller Bürger in German national
newspaper Handelsblatt, on
- Occurrence in opening article Kenmerken
Nederlanders in databank of national newspaper Volkskrant, 24/2/06.
- Interview in NSE on the plans
for central storage of passport biometrics, in the News, Sport
and Entertainment programme of the national TV Channel
Talpa, 24/2/06.
- Opinion article E-passports without the
big picture, with Jaap-Henk Hoepman, on international portal on eGovernment
issues, on 20/02/06.
- Opinion article Burger
moet geen gelabeld vee worden in newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad on 17/02/06.
- Occurrence in (frontpage) article Personeel
laks met beveiliging in weekly computer magazine Computable (nr. 6, 10 feb. 2006).
- Occurrence in the popular science programme Nieuwslicht on national
public television, on 27
jan. 2006, on RFIDs and the new biometric passport.
- Occurrence in article Experts
vrezen misbruik irisscan in several regional ``GPD'' newspapers, on 10 nov. 2005. Also
in Het Parool as Risico's bij
biometrische identificatie.
- Discussion in Radio
Online at national news radio station Radio 1 on 25 oct. 2005, on
the arrests of three people for running a very large botnet (mp3
(20 MB), with Hans Oude Alink from the NHTCC), and also on a
mouse with fingerprint reader (mp3, 11 MB).
- Occurrence in article
Printcode niet langer geheim in newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad on 22/10/05
- Occurrence in article 'Landelijk
internetstemmen 2007 te vroeg' by Tonie van Ringelestijn, in online
magazine Netkwesties, nr. 133,
- Interview Biometrie
aan de grens in Radboud
Magazine, juni 2005, p.18-19, by: Han Oomen.
- Occurrence in article Wie lacht wordt
uit de rij gehaald, in Natuurwetenschap & Techniek, 73e
jaargang, nummer 7/8, juli/augustus 2005, p.53-55, by Erick Vermeulen.
- Occurrence in Open
deur naar gevoelige data on the results of a local wardrive (by Cees-Bart Breunesse and Martijn Oostdijk) in regional
newspaper De Gelderlander on
15 april 2005.
- Occurrence in two articles
Brinkhorst verlaagt vergoeding telefoontap (frontpage) and
Ten aanval of national newspaper Volkskrant, 12 april 2005, on the
European iniative to store traffic data for all citizens (for phone,
including location data of mobiles, e-mail, chat, websurfing).
- Occurrence in De
Ochtenden on national radio station Radio 1, on 4 april 2005, and
repeated on 21 april 2005 (mp3
(9 MB) © EO Radio) about biometric passports
(see also the local passport
info page).
- Occurrence in article Help, mijn
computer doet raar in national newspaper Algemeen Dagblad on 3 feb. 2005.
- Interview for the article Het DARE-project
in relatie tot auteursrecht en open access in Enter
63, december 2004.
- Occurrence in the popular science programme Nieuwslicht on national
public television, on 29
oct. 2004, on the use of voting machines.
- Interview Tweegesprek
op Toernooiveld in Nijmegen (deel 2). Is 'Open Source' haalbaar bij
elektronisch stemmen? in Burgerzaken & Recht 10, oktober 2004,
p.366-367,369, by Alfred Zebregs.
- Discussion in 1 op de
middag at national news radio station Radio 1 on 13 oct. 2004,
about the nominations (esp. Interpay) for the 2004 Big Brother Awards for
privacy violations (mp3 (5.7 MB) © AVRO Radio)
- Interview Overstap op
open source is kwestie van politieke wil in Enter
61, july 2004.
- Occurrence in article Experimenten
bij verkiezingen voor Europees Parlement in Burgerzaken & Recht
61, june/july 2004, p.248-249, by Alfred Zebregs.
- Interview Tweegesprek
op Toernooiveld in Nijmegen (deel 1). Stemmachines in Nederland
betrouwbaar in Burgerzaken & Recht 61, june/july 2004,
p.250-251, by Alfred Zebregs.
- Article De
favourite site van ... in Enter
60, 2004.
- Occurrence in De
oncontroleerbare druk op de knop, in national newsmagazine De Groene Amsterdammer, 19 juni 2004.
- Occurrence in news item of TV-Gelderland journaal on
10 june 2004.
- Occurrence in Stemmen
via Internet dankzij Nijmeegse informatici in regional newspaper
De Gelderlander on 10 june
- Occurrence in
Europees Webstemmen, Science supplement, NRC Handelsblad 6/6/2004.
- Occurrence in De
Ochtenden on national radio station Radio 1, on 22 april 2004 (mp3
(18 MB) © EO Radio) about the weak security
of many access cards (for buildings etc), esp. swipe cards and
contactless cards without cryptographic protection of the
communication. This program resulted in broad press coverage in many
newspapers, national radio news bulletins, teletekst,
another interview at RTL-FM, etc.
- Interview
Stemmachines controversieel in weekly computer magazine Computable by Sytse van der Schaaf
(Computable 16, 16 apr. 2004).
- Interview
De computer de wet gesteld in the journal de
EDP-auditor, 1 (2004), p.40-44.
- Beurskrant Overheid en
ict april 2004. Discussion
on thesis that the public sector should switch in 2006 to open
standards and open source, with Kees
Vendrik (member of parliament) and Michel
van de Bel (director Mircosoft NL).
- About Microsoft's ASN problems: occurrence in article
Microsoft: Gevaarlijk lek in Windows in national Dutch
newpaper Trouw, and Zwakke plek
in Windows in national newspaper Sp!ts (available for free at
trainstations), on 12 febr. 2004. These items result from an ANP
message from 11 febr. 2004.
- Interview in De
Ochtenden on national radio station Radio 1, on 11 dec. 2003 about
the PriceWaterhouseCoopers
report about security in police tapping facilities in the
Netherlands (mp3
(19 MB) © EO Radio).
- Interview in De
Ochtenden on national radio station Radio 1, on nov. 24, 2003,
about a new secure
mobile phone.
- Occurrence in Justiële
tapcultuur, Editorial comment (hoofdartikel, © NRC) in the national newspaper NRC of okt. 27, 2003 on phone
tapping. See also the `phonetap item' at the local Security
in Society webpage.
- Interview
in weekly computer magazine Computable by Koen Stegeman
(Computable 40, 3 okt. 2003).
- Interview
in monthly magazine CIO, IT-strategy
for managers (sept. 2003 issue).
- Occurrence in article Afluisteren
burgers ter discussie (© NRC) by Hans
Moll in the national newspaper NRC of
sept. 8, 2003.
- Occurrence in Hier
tekenen svp, Editorial comment (hoofdartikel, © NRC) in the national newspaper NRC of sept. 2, 2003, resulting from the
publication Elektronisch
handtekening. Wie tekent ervoor? in I&I, june 2003.
- Interview
in weekly computer magazine Computable by Sytse van der Schaaf
(Computable 35, 29 aug. 2003).
- Interview in quarterly Nijmegen University magazine KUzien
by Paul van Laere (june 2003).
- Reactions in print to my inaugural
- Online reactions to the inaugural
- Discussion with Simon
Lelieveldt at program Boei
at the regional radion station (in the Rotterdam area) Radio Rijnmond about various payment
methods (Saturday 1 march 2003).
- Interview at regional radio station Radio Gelderland
(Saturday, 15 feb. 2003, in the program In het Hol van de
- Discussion on Friday, nov. 1 2002, in the consumer program Hallo
Gelderland on regional TV station TV Gelderland, with Hein
Blocks, director of the Bank
- Occurrence in article Extra beveiliging bij pinnen
on more swipe card fraud (in Veghel) in national Dutch newpaper Trouw, on Friday, 18 oct. 2002.
- Portrait
in the regional newspaper De
Gelderlander featuring scientists from Nijmegen working on safety
and security, Saturday 19 oct. 2002.
- Occurrence in the column of Rob Sijmons in the weekly national
magazine Vrij Nederland, in august 2002.
- Newspaper articles in June 2002, see : collection
of 11 june:
- Frontpage Ook `aftappen' pincode technisch goed te doen
of Dutch newpaper Trouw, on Tuesday,
11 june 2002, together with follow-up at the inside.
- The same article also appeared in the regional newspaper
De Limburger.
- Front page article in the
Financieel Dagblad,
English edition with the
International Herald Tribune,
11 june 2002.
- Article in national newspaper Sp!ts
(available for free at trainstations), 11 june 2002.
- Article in De Telegraaf, 11 june 2002.
- Article
in regional newspaper Eindhovens Dagblad, 10 june
- Item in Nijmegen university magazine
Vox, 13 june 2002.
- Article in Science Supplement of regional newspaper
De Gelderlander, 19 june 2002.
- Interview by phone at regional radio station Radio Gelderland
(Tuesday, 11 june 2002, at noon).
- Item at teletext
of regional TV station.
- Item in the morning news at national news station
Radio 1.
- Interview at national radio program
15 june, between 17:00 and 18:00.
- Radio discussion (via phone) with Hein Blocks, director of the Bank Association on national radio
program 1 op
de middag, 18 june 2002, 14:30.
Last modified: Thu May 24 21:29:18 MEST 2007